Parasite - Take A Leaf Out Of My Book Lyrics

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Artist: Parasite
Song Title: Take A Leaf Out Of My Book
Visits: 680
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You can find a way to save the day,

With a ballpoint pen and a cereal box,

You can fool the mind with your cunning tricks,

And you know the key to all the locks,

You can find a way to reach your goal,

When your goal is your ultimate fantasy,

You can brighten a day that's dead and grey,

And cleanse us of our misery.

So Why'd you have to be like this,

It's starting to take the piss,

You could just just just be

A little bit more like me

Take A leaf out of my book

Take A leaf out of my book

Take A leaf out of my book

Take A leaf out of my book

Take A leaf out of my book

Take A leaf out of my book

Take A leaf out of my book

Take A leaf out of my book

You can find a way to make me do,

Exactly what you want me to,

You can change the face of someone's mind,

So that it seems it wasn't you.

You can find a way to reach your goal,

When your goal is your ultimate fantasy,

You can brighten a day that's dead and grey,

And cleanse us of our misery.

So Why'd you have to be like this,

It's starting to take the piss,

You could just just just be

A little bit more like me

Take A leaf out of my book

Take A leaf out of my book

Take A leaf out of my book

Take A leaf out of my book

Take A leaf out of my book

Take A leaf out of my book

Take A leaf out of my book

Take A leaf out of my book

You can find a way to save the day,

With a ballpoint pen and a cereal box,

You can fool the mind with your cunning tricks,

And you know the key to all the locks,

You can find a way to make me do,

Exactly what you want me to,

You can change the face of someone's mind,

So that it seems it wasn't you.

So Why'd you have to be like this,

It's starting to take the piss,

You could just just just be

A little bit more like me

Take A leaf out of my book

Take A leaf out of my book

Take A leaf out of my book

Take A leaf out of my book

Take A leaf out of my book

Take A leaf out of my book

Take A leaf out of my book

Take A leaf out of my book

Take A Leaf Out Of My Book Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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    I can see through your lies
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