Parazitii - Bad Joke Lyrics

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Artist: Parazitii
Song Title: Bad Joke
Visits: 1159
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Any rock is a wall when you're small and you're scratching a hole
Free fall, life is like pinball
I love you when you call me a genius
I wanna change your DNA with my penis
You ain't nothing but a fake dog, I'm a true dog
Fuck it, not makin' love, yo, it's all about the life
You can see from the outer space my dick' size
With your own eyes, but you can't see me
Smoking weed on my roof all night
I'm sick of whole life, sick of my future wife
This is not a confession, my real intention
Is to keep you on hard pressure
I'm a good man with bad intentions you're dating
So many curses in the slang of my native language
No offence, I'm losing the common sense when
I feel the hip-hop classic BPM
My message is not violent, but in a violent way
I make myself heard in a violent environment today
You got a low I.Q. and you're happy
You and me is like me and a monkey.

Is curious, scandalous, don't be so furious
Life is a bad joke, don't take it serious
When I feel myself double-crossed, not lost
Nothing can make me swallow my words.

Cred ca ti-a vorbit ma-ta despre mine
Am sa-i slobozesc in gat inca un copil ca tine
Da, rima dupa rima, un pic de rap, imi fac de cap
In hip-hop stau si zac cu 40 alcool in cap
Nu accept influentze, tu ai atatea fetze
Viata-i curva ca si tine, deci traiesc cu doua zdrentze
Nu vreau sa ma culc cu tine, vreau doar sa te f*t
Cand f*t nu dorm, atunci de ce sa ma culc cand f*t
Eu-ti pun mana, in schimb tu imi sugi p**a, e crud
De ce nu-mi iei p**a in gura cand te doresc atat de mult?, spui
Banii vorbesc, le sparg eu gura-n fatza
Ce-ti doresti de la viata intr-o viata e inc-o viata
Te vad disperata, in

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  • Bem
    "Am un ficat ofticat care nu ma sufera
    Im bate-n tzeava-ncet de la prima bere care-oncep,
    E nemultzumit ca bem cu naveta,
    Dupa capul multora ar trebui sa bem cu pipeta...."
  • Categoria Grea
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    Donkey size! Donkey size!
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    Donkey size! Donkey size!..."
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