Parent Kevin - Same Kind Lyrics

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Artist: Parent Kevin
Song Title: Same Kind
Visits: 645
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I went to play on St-John's Street.
I was hoping that you would come and see me,
and we could finally meet.
But you didn't show up,
even though I played a whole week.

You most have someone.
I hope that he's a nice guy.
Yes I hope that someone
knows how to make you smile.

And went you're down,
he holds you when you cry,
without having a resson, without even asking why.

Cause I know, you have sorrow in your eyes.
I know, that it's been there for a long long while.
I know, but I don't mind so do I, We're both the same kind.

I saw you a few years ago,
but for you, I was only a child.
You probably don't remenber me,
but I do, you sure made me shy.

It was when my feelings
meant more than sex,
those were the times.
Your beauty caressed my inside,
like a warm summer wind
blowing on chimes.

Cause I know, you have sorrow in your eyes.
I know, that it's been there for a long long while.
Yes I know, but I don't mind so do I, we're both the same kind.

And as I savour this bottle of wine.
I'll try to forget this cruel world full of crime.
I'll think of you for confort once and a while.
And even if I'm not in you're heart, you're in mine.

Cause I know, you have sorrow in your eyes.
I know, that it's been there for a long long while.
I know, but I don't mind so do I,
we're both the same kind

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