Paris - Break the Grip of Shame Lyrics

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Artist: Paris
Song Title: Break the Grip of Shame
Visits: 581
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Enter into a new realm a new dimension
Pay close attention
And witness knowledge born on the microphone
for the people that I call my own
Remember back when good rap was just a cool dance hit
even though it wasn't saying (shit)
Well them days is gone I don't play that
Pick the punk and I'll say like wack
Stick with the sick style for the serious
Hip Hop lovers can't get enough of this
Black tracks on wax are so smooth
You can't get help but the thought to move
This is a call and a plea for unity
Black is back uplift and be free
Keep pushin, our movement moves on.. so strong, now

With a raised fist I resist
I don't burn, so don't you dare riff
or step to me, I'm strong and black and proud
And for the (bullshit) I ain't down
Life in the city's already rough enough
without some young sucka runnin up
You don't know me, so don't step
I roll to the right and then bust your lip
Paris is my name, I don't sleep
I drop science, and keep the peace
Here to bust this for better justice
Another dope Scarface release
This is a serious style for the gifted
Pro-black radical rap's uplifting
Still growing, the power's so strong
You can't stop it, now

[Malcolm X speech]
"We declare our right on this Earth
to be a man, to be a human being,
to be respected as a human being,
to be given the rights of a human being,
in this society on this earth in this day,
which we intend to bring into existence,
by any means necessary!"

Alright, let's start some mo' (shit)
Straight up on the movement tip
with forces strong as Allah's my third eye
Black is back and P-Dog'll never die
Who said that you can't do this
Can't be wise or be for the movement
Games I won't have so don't you play none
You'll see why when I'm gone
Skinheads end up dead cause I don't play
Brothers swarm under the form of Scarface
Round up, roll out, we'll roll em up like Rolo's
I stomp sixteen solo
Straight for the jugular, hope that I don't
swarm and bust a cap by night so
you just keep your place cause I won't stop
I'll keep pushin that movement rock when I

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