Paris Disneyland - Disney Parade Lyrics

Lyrics Directory>> P>> Paris Disneyland Singer Lyrics>> Disney Parade Song Lyrics
Artist: Paris Disneyland
Song Title: Disney Parade
Visits: 714
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Hey there, Hi there, Ho there,
Its a Disney kind of day!
Glad to see your smiling faces
as we pass along the way.
There's lots of fun and laughter,
Here all waiting just for you.
All you have to do is make a wish
and watch your dream come true.
If you take my hand,
Just like Alice your in Wonderland.
It's magic.
Clap your hands and tap your feet
and shout a big hurray!
Mickey and his friends are calling
out your name to join
the Disney Parade!

Dancing a catchy rythm,
Singing a happy song.
Playing together on a holiday.
You'll soon be,
Dancing a catchy rythm,
Singing a happy song.
Playing together on a holiday.

Hey there, Hi there, Ho there,
You're as welcome as can be,
Come along and join the big parade
and set your spirits free.
You'll laugh, you'll play
and soon you'll find
You've made some brand new friends.
here we've got a funny saying,
That the magic never ends.
If you take my hand,
Just like Alice here in Wonderland.
It's magic.
Clap your hands and tap your feet
and shout a big hurray!
Mickey and his friends are calling
out your name to join
the Disney Parade!

Dancing a catchy rythm,
Singing a happy song.
Playing together on a holiday.
You'll soon be,
Dancing a catchy rythm,
Singing a happy song.
Playing together on a holiday.

Dancing a catchy rythm,
Singing a happy song.
Playing together on a holiday.
You'll soon be,
Dancing a catchy rythm,
Singing a happy song.
Playing together on a holiday.

Hey there, Hi there, Ho there,
It's as simple as can be,
To make a little Disney magic,
Is really easy one, two, three.
If you take my hand,
Just like Alice your in Wonderland.
It's magic.
A wink, a smile, and then a touch
of magic pixie dust.
You can join the masquerade,
Come on get ready for
the Disney Parade!

You'll soon be,
Dancing a catchy rythm,
Singing a happy song.
Playing together on a holiday.
You'll soon be,
Dancing a catchy rythm,
Singing a happy song.
Playing together on a holiday.

Dancing a catchy rythm,
Singing a happy song.
Playing together on a holiday.
You'll soon be,
Dancing a catchy rythm,
Singing a happy song.
Playing together on a holiday.

Dancing a catchy rythm,
Singing a happy song.
Playing together on a holiday.
You'll soon be,
Dancing a catchy rythm,
Singing a happy song.
Playing together on a holiday.

Disney Parade Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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