Paris Twila - Wisdom Lyrics

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Artist: Paris Twila
Song Title: Wisdom
Visits: 612
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I see a multitude of people
Some far away and some close by
They weave together new religion
From tiny remnants they have found
A bit of truth, a greater lie

And all the prophets stand and sing a pleasant song
A million cords that bind the spirit growing strong
My heart is breaking
I must remind them...

You are the only way
You are the only voice
You are the only hope
You are the only choice
You are the one true God
No matter what we say
You are the breath of life
You are the only way
Give us wisdom
Give us wisdom

There is a moment of decision
But all the days go rushing by
An undercurrent of confusion
To threaten all that we believe
With little time to wonder why

And all the prophets sing the same familiar song
Even the chosen can be led to sing along
These hearts are breaking
Will you remind us...

You are the only way
You are the only voice
You are the only hope
You are the only choice
You are the one true God
No matter what we say
You are the breath of life
You are the only way
Give us wisdom
Give us wisdom

You choose the simple things to overcome the wise
Wisdom is granted in the name of Jesus Christ
In the name of Jesus Christ

You are the only way
You are the only voice
You are the only hope
You are the only choice
You are the one true God
No matter what we say
You are the breath of life
We need You here today
(You are the only way)
Give us wisdom
Give us wisdom

Wisdom Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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