Park Linkin - FRGT10 Lyrics

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Artist: Park Linkin
Park Linkin Author
Album: (Reanimation) (2002)
Park Linkin - (Reanimation) Album
Song Title: FRGT10
Genre: Rock: Alternative
Visits: 719
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From the top to the bottom
Bottom to top I stop
At the core I've forgotten
In the middle of my thoughts
Taken far from my safety
The picture's there
The memory won't escape me

We're stuck in a place so dark you can hardly see
The manner of matter that splits with the words I breathe
And as the rain drips acidic questions around me
I block out the sight of the powers that be
And duck away into the darkness, times up
I wind up in a rusted world with eyes shut
So tight that it blurs into the world of pretend
And the eyes ease open and it's dark again

From the top to the bottom
Bottom to top I stop
At the core I've forgotten
In the middle of my thoughts
Taken far from my safety
The picture's there
The memory won't escape me
But why should I care

[Chali 2NA]
In the memory you'll find me
Eyes burning up
The darkness holding me tightly
Until the sun rises up

[Mike]Listen to the sound, dizzy from the ups and downs
I'm nauseated by the polluted rock that's all around
Watchin the wheels of cars that pass I look past
To the last of the light and the long shadows it casts
A window grows and captures the eye
And cries out a yellow light as it passes me by
And a young shadowy figure sits in front of a box
Inside a building of rock with antennas on top
Now, nothing can stop in this land of the pain
The sane lose not knowing they were part of the game
And while the insides changed the box stays the same
And the figure inside could bear anybody's name
The memories I keep are from a time like then
I put on my paper so I could come back to them
Someday I'm hoping to close my eyes and pretend
That this crumpled up paper can be perfect again

Yo. From the top to the bottom
Bottom to top I stop
At the core I've forgotten
In the middle of my thoughts
Taken far from my safety
The picture's there
The memory won't escape me

[Chali 2NA]
I'm here at this podium talking, the ceremonial offerings
Dedicated to urban dysfunctional offspring
What's happening? City governments are eternally napping
Trapped in greedy convenants causing an urban collapsing
Bullets that scar souls with dark holds
Get more then your car stole, some hearts be blacker than charcoal
For real. This society's deprivation depends
Not on our differences but the separation within
No preparation is made, limited aid, and minimum wage
Living in a tenement cage for innocent pay
Tragedy within a parade
The darkness overspreads like a permanent plague
I'm the forgotten
In the memory you'll find me
Eyes burning up
The darkness holding me tightly
Until the sun rises up

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