Park Linkin - Part Of Me Lyrics
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Park Linkin Singer Lyrics
Part Of Me Song Lyrics
Park Linkin
Under Attack (2002)
Song Title:
Part Of Me
Rock: Alternative
Print Version
Part of me won't go away
Everyday reminded how much I hate it
Weighted against the consequences
Can't live without it so it's senseless
Wanna cut it out of my soul
And just live with a gaping hole
Take control of my life
And wash out all the burnt taste
I made the problems in the first place
Hang my head low cause it's part of me
You hardly see right next to the heart of me
Hurting me, the routine scar
New cuts cover where the old ones are
And I'm sick of this
I can't stand the sandpaper thoughts that grate on my sanity
I rather not even be then the man that's staring in the mirror through me
Cut myself free willingly
Stop just what's killing me
Cut myself free willingly
Stop just what's killing me
Cut myself free willingly
Stop just what's killing me
Cut myself free willingly
Stop just what's killing me
I feel it everyday
I feel I made my way
I feel it swell up inside, swell up inside
Swallowing me
(how can it be frightening if you've never felt it)
Once it's been dealt with you feel like you've been touched by something angelic
And then melted down into a pool of peace
Cease to be the animal you used to be
Remove the broken parts you know were wrong
And feel the karma when the problem's all gone
And then you start to see another piece of yourself that you can't let be
And that reason will last fight to free yourself
Take it to the depths of the bottom of the well
And now you know you can choose to lose the part in your heart
Where your insides bruise
You can live if you're willing to
Put a stop to just what's killing you
Cut myself free willingly
Stop just what's killing me
Cut myself free willingly
Stop just what's killing me
Cut myself free willingly
Stop just what's killing me
Cut myself free willingly
Stop just what's killing me
I feel it everyday
I feel I made my way
I feel it swell up inside, swell up inside
Swallowing me
Alive in me, inside of me, a part of me screams away silently
This part of me won't go away, part of me won't go away
Everywhere I look around I see how everyone aught to be
Every time I see myself I see there's always something wrong with me
I feel it everyday
I feel I made my way
I feel it swell up inside, swell up inside
Swallowing me
I feel it everyday
I feel I made my way
I feel it swell up inside, swell up inside
Swallowing me
I feel it swell up inside, swell up inside, swallowing me
I feel it swell up inside, swell up inside, swallowing me
Part Of Me Lyrics
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Park Linkin Singer
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