Parsons Gram - $1000 Wedding Lyrics

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Artist: Parsons Gram
Parsons Gram Author
Album: Gp/Grievous Angel (1990)
Parsons Gram - Gp/Grievous Angel Album
Song Title: $1000 Wedding
Genre: Country
Visits: 660
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There's a light at the edge of the darkness
A cool clear light, entices me there
And I know that I'm your slave, I'm yours for eternity, there's no escape
I've had love, now I'm thru with it, feed the body, not the mind
That's all I need to survive
Treat me like an animal, then maybe you'll be satisfied
Treat me like an animal, and taste a little wildlife
My friends think you're cool, you're so nice and polite
But when I get you home, and you turn out the light
Treat me like an animal, treat me bad
In her eyes I see dark latent passion
No one's safe, she takes what she can
I've had love, now I'm thru with it, feed the body, not the mind
That's all I need to survive
Treat me like an animal, then maybe you'll be satisfied
Treat me cruel, don't treat me kind, and taste a little wildlife
There ain't nobody watching you, so you can drop respectable
Just tell me everything you like, and then we'll see what I can do
My friends think you're cool, you're so nice and polite
But when I get you home, and you turn out the light
Treat me like an animal, treat me treat me nice
I see you, 'n I touch you, 'n I want to take you through the night babe
Don't chain me, uncage me, just tame me, you know what I like babe
Treat me like an animal, then maybe you'll be satisfied
There ain't nobody watching you, so you can drop respectable
Just tell me everything you like, and then we'll see what I can do
Treat me like an animal, treat me cruel
Treat me like an animal, treat me cruel
Yes, treat me like an animal, baby treat me like an animal, treat me bad

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Gp/Grievous Angel" album, click "Parsons Gram Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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