Partridge Family - It Sounds Like Youre Saying Hello Lyrics

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Artist: Partridge Family
Song Title: It Sounds Like Youre Saying Hello
Visits: 613
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You're saying hello
Like it means goodbye

If I could listen to the words that you say
I could hold on for awhile
I could go on, baby, fooling myself
I could even manage a smile

But believing isn't easy to do
When your words just don't ring true
And I know that slowly but surely
I'm losing you

Though it sounds like you're saying hello
With every word that you say, I want to cry
Yes it sounds like you're saying hello
But it feels like you mean goodbye
Like it means goodbye

Oh, I don't know if I heard it in the tone of your voice
Or saw it hidden deep in your eyes
But you could say you love me
And then leave me in the morning
And you know, I wouldn't be surprised

Yes, I've known you much too long
Not to feel when something is wrong
And when the words and the music aren't right
It's not the same song

And yes, it sounds like you're saying hello
With every word that you say, I want to cry
Cause it sounds like you're saying hello
But it feels like you mean goodbye

Yes, I've known you much too long
Not to feel when something is wrong
And when the words and the music aren't right
It's not the same song

And though it sounds like you're saying hello
With every word that you say, I want to cry
Cause it sounds like you're saying hello
But it feels like you mean (goodbye)

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