Passi - 79 97 Lyrics

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Artist: Passi
Song Title: 79 97
Visits: 775
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Looking out my window, I'm looking for love.
So hard to find it when you need it so much.
Staring at these people all walking alone. True love will find me, I've got
to be strong.
I know you're out there still finding our way and I do believe that we'll
meet someday.
Where is my Romeo? Where can he be? Where is my Romeo? I'll wait for you.
Send me love, my angel, the one that I need. I'm gonna find the man of my
Someone who will love me, somewhere to belong.
Be still, my heart, it won't be too long.
I've tried to imagine you here by my side, so, I'll be here waiting for you
to arrive.

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Other Passi song Lyrics
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    79, voici PASSI dans la vague pour Paris.
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    be-flam tout le temps. Les vrais groupes, la vrai loop...."
  • Je Contrle
    "Il fait chaud, de Villiers-Garges-Sarcelles,
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    il fait chaud, il fait de plus en plus chaud...
    C'est l't, c'est bon la temprature va monter...."
  • Je Zappe Et Je Mate
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  • Lantre De Lange
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    t'as compris ! Prie pour celui qui s'approprie les esprits.
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    Dans ces cits, j'aime tre cit, flicit et rcit..."
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