Pat Benetar - In The Heat Of The Night Lyrics

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Artist: Pat Benetar
Song Title: In The Heat Of The Night
Visits: 682
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In the heat of the night
when you know it ain't right
But you do what you wanna do
You do what you feel, no one can feel like you

Out in the summertime city, ain't it a pity
There's so much to tie you down
You're leaving tonight to somewhere you can't be found
While down at the edge of town
At a pool hall where they all hang around
You hear them talking about the girls they knew
And talk about what they're gonna do
Then you ask yourself, is this where you belong
Is it right, or is it wrong
Does it matter what's right
In the heat of the night

Out in the streets tonight, under the neon lights
You're searchin' for something new
But nothing is real, and no one can feel like you

They say that eagles fly in this red hot sky
But were they just passing through
Or did they look down, and see what you found was true

But still in the back of your mind
You've got something to believe in, but there's so much to find
As the bright lights dim, and the night closes in
You thought everything is ending, but it's yet to begin
And you ain't seen nothing yet
But what you see you'll never forget, and you'll say

Why oh Why
Did it take you so long to want something more
Why oh Why
Did you never get off on this before
Why oh Why
Well, here it is, the love you've been waiting for
Why oh Why
Standin' in front of you like an open door

And then you ask yourself, is this where you belong
Is it right, or is it wrong
Does it matter what's right,
In the heat of the night

In the heat of the night
when you know it ain't right
But you do what you wanna do
You do what you feel, `cause

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    I go back to the top of the slide
    And I stop, and I turn, and I go for a ride
    Til I get to the bottom..."
  • Hit Me With Your Best Shot
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  • Hot Child In The City
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    No one knows who she is..."

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