Patrice - Queens Lyrics

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Artist: Patrice
Patrice Author
Album: Ancient Spirit (2000)
Patrice - Ancient Spirit Album
Song Title: Queens
Genre: Rock
Visits: 727
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this here one is for the queens
'cause it's you that make me deh
I say it's you that make me be
this is for all the sweet dreams
how much injustice you have to face
before you I bow my knees

how many times your man gone
while you stay alone with your daughters and sons
how many times the man hit' and run'
'cause responsibility ha can't stand
how many times tell me how many times
you have to face discrimination
how many times tell me how many times
you get lick by your man
but it is you that makes the world go 'round
let nobody put you down you have to wear the crown
it is you that make the world go 'round
know the value of yourself and let nobody put you down

don't let them tell you who you are
never ever bow no no no no
rise and take your stand
queens of this world to you I dedicate my song


2nd verse:

upon your shoulders you carry
so much responsibility for this strayed humanity
it is you that rule our destiny
in your heart you bear
all the future of this earth
I tell you if you wasn't here
the end would be near. no title of this world can give you
royality of birth
you could wear diamonds and pearls
into a queen you still can't be turned
it's a profession you can't learn
and it's a title you can't earn
all true born queens hold firm

'cause it's you that makes the world go 'round
make nobody put you down you have to wear the crown
it's you that makes the world go 'round
know the value of yourself and make nobody put you down

don't let them tell you who you are
never ever bow no no no no
keep you temple clean
queens, queens, queens, queens, queens


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