Patrice - Up In My Room Lyrics

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Artist: Patrice
Patrice Author
Album: How Do You Call It? (2004)
Patrice - How Do You Call It? Album
Song Title: Up In My Room
Genre: Reggae
Visits: 794
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When I?m up in my room (and I?m thinking of you)
And I?m thinking of you (when I?m up in my room)
I?m just finding my way
through this sinister day
Just let the music play

Emancipating my heart
from Hollywood love
too many people got caught.
Emancipating my mind from a system designed (yeah)
to limit mankind
But I leave that behind.

When I?m up in my room (and I?m thinking of you)
And I?m thinking of you (when I?m up in my room)
I?m just finding my way
through this sinister day
Just let the music play

Let?s build a house on the beach
plant a family tree
and live in harmony
Only in love we are free
that?s why I?m down on my knees (yeah)
to make you my queen
My mind and heart are making peace
Didn?t come here to please
nobody but Jah
let my colours increase
Let us run to the east
let us look for the keys
that can open the rooms
Yo! Check out Patrice

?Cos when I?m up in my room (and I?m thinking of you)
And I?m thinking of you (when I?m up in my room)
I?m just finding my way
through this sinister day
Just let the music play

When I?m up in my room (and I?m thinking of you)
And I?m thinking of you (when I?m up in my room)
The ground shakes under my feet
Oh this feeling so sweet
won?t you dance with me?

We all want love and happiness
as long as there is heart within our chest,
believe in your self and love will do the rest
We have to manifest.
Some want to understand
Some overstand
Some want to live some want to be lived by them
For all those that don?t know what I?m saying
let me break it down again.

When I?m up in my room (and I?m thinking of you)
And I?m thinking of you (when I?m up in my room)
I?m just finding my way through this sinister day
just let the music play
Won?t you dance with me?

When I?m up in my room (and I?m thinking of you)
And I?m thinking of you (when I?m up in my room)
The ground shakes under my feet
Oh this feeling so sweet
won?t you dance with me?

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Other Patrice song Lyrics
  • Music
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    And my hands were in chains
    You took my mind and made it settle
    In a land so far away..."
  • Sunshine
    "And when I feel
    life's heavy labours calling.
    I make my self
    light aslight..."
    "Everyday is good, because of being alive
    -from the day I was born till the day that I'll die.
    in high tide and in low tide I know that Jah will always be by my side.
    he is the one that carries me through the night...."
  • Lions
    "First time they've called me a bastard
    They even told me to get a proper - haircut -
    When I rumble all of them tremble
    Because they get to know that I'm a lion..."
  • Queens
    "this here one is for the queens
    'cause it's you that make me deh
    I say it's you that make me be
    this is for all the sweet dreams..."
    "When I look into your eyes
    I can feel the sun come rise
    it seems like you give me the things I i hane been missing in my life, the things I give up for search cause I thought things i'm not going to find,
    but how could I find when there's no light in my nights, I?m Saying how could I find when there're just clouds and no sunshine..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "How Do You Call It?" album, click "Patrice Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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