Patti Smith - Radio Baghdad Lyrics
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Patti Smith Singer Lyrics
Radio Baghdad Song Lyrics
Patti Smith
Trampin' (0)
Song Title:
Radio Baghdad
Rock: Punk-Rock
Print Version
Suffer not Your neighbor's affliction
Suffer not Your neighbor's paralysis
But extend your hand Extend your hand
Lest you vanish in the city And be but a trace
Just a vanished ghost And your legacy
All the things you knew Science, mathematics, thought
Severely weakened Like irrigation systems
In the tired veins forming From the Tigris and Euphrates
In the realm of peace All the world revolved
All the world revolved Around a perfect circle
City of Baghdad City of scholars
Empirical humble Center of the world
City in ashes City of Baghdad
City of Baghdad Abrasive aloof
Oh, in Mesopotamia Aloofness ran deep
Deep in the veins of the great rivers
That form the base Of Eden
And the tree The tree of knowledge
Held up its arms To the sky
All the branches of knowledge All the branches of knowledge
Cradling Cradling
Civilization In the realm of peace
All the world revolved Around a perfect circle
Oh Baghdad Center of the world
City of ashes With its great mosques
Erupting from the mouth of god Rising from the ashes like
a speckled bird Splayed against the mosaic sky
Oh, clouds around We created the zero
But we mean nothing to you You would believe
That we are just some mystical tale We are just a swollen belly
That gave birth to Sinbad, Scheherazade We gave birth
Oh, oh, to the zero The perfect number
We invented the zero And we mean nothing to you
Our children run through the streets
And you sent your flames Your shooting stars
Shock and awe Shock and awe
Like some, some Imagined warrior production
Twenty-first century No chivalry involved
No Bushido
Oh, the code of the West Long gone
Never been Where does it lie?
You came, you came Throu
Radio Baghdad Lyrics
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Other Patti Smith song Lyrics
Because The Night
"take me now baby here as I am
pull me close, try and understand
desire is hunger is the fire I breathe
love is a banquet on which we feed..."
"Jesus died for somebody's sins but not mine
meltin' in a pot of thieves
wild card up my sleeve
thick heart of stone..."
High On Rebellion
"what i feel when i'm playing guitar is completely cold and crazy, like i
don't owe nobody nothing and it's just a test just to see how far i can
solitary E and i trust my guitar and i don't care about anything.
sometimes i feel like i've broken through and i'm free and i could dig..."
25th Floor
"We explore the men's room.
We don't give a shit.
Ladies' lost electricity;
take vows inside of it...."
Till Victory
"Raise the sky.
We got to fly over the land, over the sea.
Fate unwinds and if we die, souls arise.
God, do not seize me please, till victory...."
Free Money
"Every night before I go to sleep
Find a ticket, win a lottery,
Scoop the pearls up from the sea
Cash them in and buy you all the things you need...."
People Have the Power
"I was dreaming in my dreaming
of an aspect bright and fair
and my sleeping it was broken
but my dream it lingered near..."
Up There Down There
"Up there
There's a ball of fire
Some call it the spirit
Some call it the sun..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Trampin'" album, click "
Patti Smith Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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