Patti Smith - Up There Down There Lyrics
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Patti Smith Singer Lyrics
Up There Down There Song Lyrics
Patti Smith
Dream Of Life (0)
Song Title:
Up There Down There
Rock: Punk-Rock
Print Version
Up there
There's a ball of fire
Some call it the spirit
Some call it the sun
Its energies are not for hire
It serves man It serves everyone
Down there where Jonah wails
in the healing water
in the ready depths
Twisting like silver swans
No line of death no boundaries
Up there
The eye is hollow The eye is winking
The winds ablaze Angels howling
The sphinx awakens But what can she say
You'd be amazed
Down there
Your days are numbers
Nothing to fear
There will be trumpets
There will be silence
In the end the end
Will be here just here
Ahh the borders of heaven
Are zipped up tight tonight
The abstract streets
The lights like some switched on Mondrian
Cats like us are obsolete
Hey Man don't breathe on my feet
Thieves, poets we're inside out
And everybody's a soldier
Angels howl at those abstract lights
And the borders of heaven
Are zipped up tight tonight
Up there
There's a ball of fire
Some call it the spirit
Some call it the sun
Its energies are not for hire
It serves man It serves everyone
The air we breathe
The flame of wisdom
The earth we grind
The beckoning sea
It's no mystery Not sentimental
Ahh the equation It's all elemental
The world is restless
Heaven in flux Angels appear
From the bright storm
Out of the shadows
Up there, down there
But what can we say
Man's been forewarned
All communion is not holy
Even those that fall
They can prophet understanding
It's all for man It's for everyone
It's up there, down there
Everywhere Everywhere
Time for communion
Up There Down There Lyrics
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Other Patti Smith song Lyrics
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"take me now baby here as I am
pull me close, try and understand
desire is hunger is the fire I breathe
love is a banquet on which we feed..."
"Jesus died for somebody's sins but not mine
meltin' in a pot of thieves
wild card up my sleeve
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We don't give a shit.
Ladies' lost electricity;
take vows inside of it...."
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We got to fly over the land, over the sea.
Fate unwinds and if we die, souls arise.
God, do not seize me please, till victory...."
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"Every night before I go to sleep
Find a ticket, win a lottery,
Scoop the pearls up from the sea
Cash them in and buy you all the things you need...."
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"I was dreaming in my dreaming
of an aspect bright and fair
and my sleeping it was broken
but my dream it lingered near..."
Paths That Cross
"Speak to me
Speak to me heart
I feel a needing
to bridge the clouds..."
...Show All
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