Patty Smith - Strange Messengers Lyrics

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Artist: Patty Smith
Song Title: Strange Messengers
Visits: 581
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What is the system that gets around
Recruits hearts with its timeless rhythm
The young glow but old men know
It's all a part of some crazy schism

Coming on like the dawn unrelenting light
Streets thick with its radiating
It's all aglow but we all know
True love is so complicated

Feeling funny don't know why
On a plane circling high
Equation persuasion
It's just persuasion

What is the body that has nobody
Go through life with nobody at allIt come and go where the wind blow
When persuasion come to call

Got me reeling don't know why
I'm on a plane circling high
Equation persuasion
Got the feeling I'm running in place
Caught in the orbit of the human race
Equation persuasion
It's just persuasion
It's jut persuasion
It's just persuasion
What is the body that has nobody
What is the rise without the fall
What is illusion without beauty
What is the system that's no system at all

Hey scout there's no equation
You can't prepare for the heart's invasion
You can't prepare for the heart's invasion
Love is its own

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