Paul Kantner - Silver Spoon Lyrics

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Artist: Paul Kantner
Song Title: Silver Spoon
Visits: 607
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Throw down all your
silver spoons - eat
all of the raw meat
with your hands.
Pick it up piece by piece
Pick it up piece by piece
Pick it up piece by piece

Where are the bodies
for dinner?
I want my food!

What if you were
starving to death and
they only food you had
was me - what would
you say to the cannibal
question? Would your
answer be perfectly

Your mama told you never
to eat your friends
with your fingers and
hands, but I say you
ought to eat what
you will - shove it
in your mouth any way
that your can.

You think that I will come
to your mouth, looking for
a home. But I get stuck
sideways in your throat
like a good old chicken

Where are the bodies for dinner?
I want my food!
Stay out the kitchen children
The cook is cleaning his gun
He just got back from the open
markey - shooting his food on
the run.

Your mama told you never
to eat your friends
with your fingers and
hands, but I say you
ought to eat what
you will - shove it
in your mouth any way
that your can.

Sharpen your teeth for the
family feast - let all the
hungry drool roll down
your chin. Hide the human
and bring out the beast.
Let all the animal games begin!

Where are the bodies for dinner?
I want my food!
You could leave to dine on
your friends - pour their
bones into a cannibal soup
muscles like steak
blood like wine - save
the brains to feed to troops

Your mama told you never
to eat your friends
with your fingers and
hands, but I say you
ought to eat what
you will - shove it-aca

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  • Ballad Of The Chrome Nun
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    Did the devil just give you the nod
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    Well you're right that's right you're plenty odd..."
  • China
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    Stare at anything that's shiny bright
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    But she's only two feet high - she'll get higher..."
  • Come to Life
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    Everything has come to life again
    No one doubted but the ice got thin..."
  • Dark Ages
    "What time is it, boys and girls?
    It's time for the Dark Ages!
    Your nightmares and traumas
    can make you rich and famous..."
  • Diana 2
    "How do you feel as you cut
    Down your children now
    And leave them dying
    On the grass in the sun..."
  • Diana
    "How do you feel to shoot down your brother now
    And bury us in cages of cement and steel
    What do you see when you look at one another now
    Who do you see tell me how do you feel..."

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