Paul McCartney - MOVEMENT VI-WORK Lyrics

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Artist: Paul McCartney
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(mary dees office)

Womens chorus (office staff)

Working women at the top,

Will it ever stop?

Papers piling up and up.

Days go by like monday, tuesday:

Work until we drop!

All the time looking great,

Running late,

In a state, losing weight,

Running late again

And again.

Mary dee

Let me have the letter that you typed up yesterday.

Did mr. fisher send the fax to la?

Make sure the flowers dont arrive too late

And cancel my appointment at the squash club.

Womens chorus

What club?

Mary dee

Squash club.

Womens chorus

Working women on the go,

Will they ever know

What it takes to run the show?

Days go by like lightning,

Will it ever slow?

Half the time feeling dead,


Aching head,

Miss my bed.

Over-fed again and again.

Mary dee

Did they ever pick up the accountants resume?

Make sure the car arrives in time for the plane.

Get me the details of the takeover bid

And write another letter to the minister.

Womens chorus


Mary dee

The minister of love.

Womens chorus



Mary dee

Wheres the time for standing still?

Womens chorus

Holding hands and walking free.

Mary dee

Wheres the time for you...

Mary dee and womens chorus

And me?

Mary dee

Did I sign the letter that you typed up yesterday?

Is mr. fisher on the flight to la?

Hes got the details of the takeover bid

And Ill be in a meeting with the minister.

Womens chorus

Minister, minister of love.


Mary dee

Feeling confusion,

Fear of intrusion,

Frightened of losing my mind.

Dreams of the future,

Thoughts of myself left behind.

Womens chorus

Working women at the top.

Mary dee

Will I ever stop?

Orders piling up and up.

Womens chorus

Days go by like thursday, friday.

Mary dee

Always on the go.

Part of myself lives inside.

(shantys office)

Mens chorus

When you ask a working man,

does he ever stop?

Will he make it to the top?

Should he take a break on sunday?

Work until he drop.


My early days in school required

A lot of concentration

I was finding out.

But now in later years I find

My colleagues here are more inclined

To mess about.

My wife at home

Would surely never understand

If I so much as look at someone else

Mens chorus

If men had been the faithful sort

It surely would have changed the course of history.

Dont ask me who the first man was

That dared to take a mistress,

Its a mystery.

Your wife at home

Would surely have to understand

If you were ever seen with someone else.

Mr. dingle

Oh, no she wont!

Mens chorus

You wouldnt dare!


Oh, yes I would!

Mr, dingle

Oh, no you dont!

Mens chorus

All things matrimonial

Carry with them certain responsibilities.

Shanty and mr. dingle


Carry with them certain responsibilities.

Mr. dingle

Lets find ourselves a little hostelry

Where you can sit and have a drink on me.

Well get a chance

To talk about anyone who bothers us.

Theres so much more to life than meets the eye,

Its quite enough to make a throat feel dry.

So lets repair

To where no-one else would dare to bother us.

Lets have a drink

While we think what to do.

And while we think,

Ill accept a little drink from you.

If everybody took a serious view of life,

We all would feel the same as you.

But, as it is,

We dont, so it isnt gonna bother us.

Lets have a drink

While we think what to do.

And while we think,

Ill accept a little drink from you.

Mary dee

Part of myself grows inside.

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