Paul Van Dyk - Lover Lyrics

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Artist: Paul Van Dyk
Song Title: Lover
Visits: 632
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Lover (x10)

I found a lover for the first time in my life,
you took me out of the wilderness,
just like a diamond, you were shining bright, through the night
and let me stay in your arms to rest

you give me love, give me love
(you give me love, give me love)
sweeeeeet loving
(sweet sweet loving)
you're all that i've been dreaming of
(you're all that i've been dreaming of)
you're all that i need
(you're all that i)

i found a lover to love, and now there's only you
i'll never love another, 'cause no one else will do
i found a lover to love, and now there's only you
i'll never love another, 'cause no one else will do
i never knew love like this before, give me more
everything i wanted, i found in you
you make me feel so high, i wanna touch me sky
take my hands and fly with me

you give me love, give me love
(you give me love, give me love)
sweeeeeet loving
(sweet sweet loving)
you're all that i've been dreaming of
(you're all that i've been dreaming of)
you're all that i need
(you're all that i)

i found a lover to love, and now there's only you
i'll never love another, 'cause no one else will do
i found a lover to love, and now there's only you
i'll never love another, 'cause no one else will do
i found a lover to love, yeah
i'll never love another
i found a lover to love, to love
i'll never love another, cause no one else will do
no no, no one else will do
no one else will do
no one else will do

lover (x11)

i found a lover for the first time in my life,
you took me out of the wilderness,
just like a diamond, you were shining bright, through the night
and let me stay in your arms to rest

you give me love, give me love
(you give me love, give me love)
sweeeeeet loving
(sweet sweet loving)
you're all that i've been dreaming of
(you're all that i've been dreaming of)
you're all that i need
(you're all that i)

i found a lover to love, and now there's only you
i'll never love another, 'cause no one else will do
i found a lover to love, and now there's only you
i'll never love another, 'cause no one else will do
i never knew love like this before, give me more
everything i wanted, i found in you
you make me feel so high, i wanna touch me sky
take my hands and fly with me

you give me love, give me love
(you give me love, give me love)
sweeeeeet loving
(sweet sweet loving)
you're all that i've been dreaming of
(you're all that i've been dreaming of)
you're all that i need
(you're all that i)

i found a lover to love, and now there's only you
i'll never love another, 'cause no one else will do
i found a lover to love, and now there's only you
i'll never love another, 'cause no one else will do
i found a lover to love, yeah
i'll never love another
i found a lover to love, to love
i'll never love another, cause no one else will do
no no, no one else will do
no one else will do
no one else will do

lover (x5)

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