Paul Wall Chamillionaire - U Owe Me Lyrics

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Artist: Paul Wall Chamillionaire
Song Title: U Owe Me
Visits: 619
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U Owe Me, but you act like you don't know me

Next time I see ya you better have something for me

You better show me every single dime

Cause when I see ya its payback time, give me what's mine

U Owe Me, but you act like you don't know me

Next time I see ya you better have something for me

You better show me every single dime

Cause when I see ya its payback time, give me what's mine



My stocks missing, as soon that im not trippin'

The clocks ticking, there's no overtime and im not Pippen

That means that im not kidding, ain't hide and go seek

Cause you ain't gonna hide while I go seek, my money all weak

They say that I'm like diva when its pay back time

Anything that shines I'll grab it and I'll say thats mine

Give me that before I really act ignorant

The landlord have come to collect and get your rent

Don't miss a cent, pay later don't think about it

Niggas that owe they try to sneek and never think they spot it

The walking bank teller, tell a nigga make a deposit

Say he ain't got it, cuz his wallet, he left home and forgot it



U Owe Me, but you act like you don't know me

Next time I see ya you better have something for me

You better show me every single dime

Cause when I see ya its payback time, give me what's mine

U Owe Me, but you act like you don't know me

Next time I see ya you better have something for me

You better show me every single dime

Cause when I see ya its payback time, give me what's mine

[Paul Wall]

This is your final notice, before your slab advection

When you walk outside and notice that your slab is missing

Your stories are conflicted, but you already know

Its time to confiscate that what you already owe

Im getting fed up, my patience is already low

Your short changing me, your payments are always slow

The reimbursements past due and I ain't want to forget

Your barking up the wrong tree, but your about to get bit

This ain't a game, I think it be in your best interest

To pay me everything that you owe plus interest

I suggest increasing up for something a little bit stronger

Or next time its not going to be such a friendly reminder


U Owe Me, but you act like you don't know me

Next time I see ya you better have something for me

You better show me every single dime

Cause when I see ya its payback time, give me what's mine

U Owe Me, but you act like you don't know me

Next time I see ya you better have something for me

You better show me every single dime

Cause when I see ya its payback time, give me what's mine

[Paul Wall]

When I come around you run away like a coward

Your digging yourself a hole that you can't climb out of

Your attitude is sour, but really is sweet

You squealing squeak like broad cause your brain got a leak

Word on the street is that you think as dead as a sleep

Your bills are getting steep, boy you're into deep

Next week, if you want to be still standing up right

Somehow you better make these numbers better start adding up right

Or you'll be out of luck right before its goodnight

Your eating into my funds, you didn't take a good bite

Reimbursement is mandatory, get it correct

Pay back time, I want mine, time to collect


U Owe Me, but you act like you don't know me

Next time I see ya you better have something for me

You better show me every single dime

Cause when I see ya its payback time, give me what's mine

U Owe Me, but you act like you don't know me

Next time I see ya you better have something for me

You better show me every single dime

Cause when I see ya its payback time, give me what's mine

U Owe Me.... Owe Me.. Owe Me.. Owe Me. [Fades]

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