Paul Westerberg - Crackle and Drag Lyrics

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Artist: Paul Westerberg
Song Title: Crackle and Drag
Visits: 642
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What's the matter here?

You never repair

The lady's cursed with insight

You never fix her, with a cold stare

She's all broken inside

She made a good go, like a weeping willow

Her limbs clung to the ground

She closed the window, and made a pillow

And lay her head down

And as her baby slept, she took a long deep breath

Now they're zipping her up in a bag

Can you hear her blacks crackle and drag

And the Cadillac's waiting to take her away

Can you hear her blacks crackle and drag

Another head cold, another spirit old

Mmmm, Febuary

Her hair was dirty, and she was 30 in 1963

And while her baby slept she took a long deep breath

And they're zipping her up in a bag

Can you hear her blacks crackle and drag

The Cadillac's waiting to take her away

Can you hear her blacks crackle and drag

And drag, and drag, and drag?

She made a good go, for a weeping willow

She stuffed some rags on the floor

She closed the window

She made a pillow on the oven door

And took a long deep breath

While her baby slept

Now they're zipping her up in a bag

Can you hear her blacks crackle and drag

And the Cadillac's waiting to take her away

Can you hear her blacks crackle and drag

They're zipping her up in a bag

Can you hear her blacks crackle and drag

The Cadillac's waiting to take her away

Can you hear her blacks crackle and drag

Hear her blacks crackle and drag

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