Paulina Rubio - Ill Be Right Here (Sexual Lover) Lyrics

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Artist: Paulina Rubio
Paulina Rubio Author
Song Title: Ill Be Right Here (Sexual Lover)
Genre: Latin
Visits: 752
Print Version

Sexual kind of love, gets my heart beating
Cause you're an electric charge and I'm overheating
Whenever you get too close I reach out and touch you
But you'll never know it though, you look at me but you---
You don't know what's on my mind, the way that I need you
I'm gonna make you mine the next time I see you
Cause I know that I can wait and one day you'll come back
No matter how long it takes, I will be the one that

I'll be right here watching you walk in
And imagining your kisses on my skin
Yeah I'll be right here looking out for you
And when you come back you're gonna want me to

Soon you'll see cause I'm gonna make you listen
Soon you'll see I'll show you what you been missin
Because I know what you need and soon you'll discover
I know you were meant for me, my sexual lover
My sexual lover, My sexual lover

Sometimes you gotta choose between one thing or the other
Sometimes you gotta choose between one thing or the other
(demo: between me and my mother)
There's nothing to lose so why don't you try it
There's nothing to lose, and you can't deny it
I wanted to make it clear, I wanna remind you
That I'll be waiting here. In front or behind you
Whereever you go, Whenever you come back
You got to know, that I'll be the one that

I'll be right here watching you walk in
And imagining your kisses on my skin
Yeah I'll be right here looking out for you
And when you come back you're gonna want me to

[Musical break]

[Concert break]

My sexual lover

Soon you'll see cause I'm gonna make you listen
Soon you'll see I'll show you what you been missi

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  • Ojala
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