Pavement - Conduitforsale Lyrics

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Artist: Pavement
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Song Title: Conduitforsale
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Conduit for Sale! (Pavement)

I'm tryin', I'm tryin'....

Imagine if you will Herr Proctor, alias a nobleman, son of son of scion
scion. Part of his rich inheritance, parcel in generous [divorced sense]
forklift beam. Certain plots of land and living quarters deemed by all
gentlemen, and wives thereof, to be grossly humane and frankly, quite

I'm tryin', I'm tryin'....

Herr Proctor, in his enviable good taste, tries quick escape gambit via local
periodicals, but no takers. The land [???] was stationed in a conduit
between two cells, a veritable no-man's-land, [rain, the flophouse, cog-
bone terrors] and carbon monoxide wallpaper. All [his brig-deck trina]
boys ask: is it livable?

I'm tryin', I'm tryin'....

Unable to bear the scandal, Ray, philanthropist, rents low-down scab
house in conduit, Herr Proctor offers said land for a song, but no one
wants to sing. In an attempt to maintain social privileges, yet mask it as
goodwill, he says to the conduit members, 'Take this rotten old tree and
make it bear fruit." Cheers erupted throughout the [???] settlement. An
Italian male was heard to say, "between here and there is better than
anything over there!"

I'm tryin', I'm tryin'

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    and keep my advent to your self
    because it's nothing i don't like
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    Hey, you gotta pay your dues before you pay the rent
    Over the turnstiles and out in the traffic
    There's ways of livin' its the way I'm livin' right or wrong..."

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