Q And Not U - Wet Work Lyrics

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Artist: Q And Not U
Song Title: Wet Work
Visits: 753
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Something beautiful happened in the church house, but it didn't have to do with God.

And something beautiful happened in the court house, but it didn't have to deal with the law.

Something beautiful happened in the theatee but it didn't have to do with the play.

And all this beautiful is smuggled like a secret and it doesn't have to be that way.

'Cos something beautiful gets shot down everyday

And nothing so obscene could ever dream to take its place.

They kept us splashing in the wet work so they can cash in on the network.

"Lets get connected while the text is corrected."

Love, it doesn't have to be that way.

My brother, he got shot up in the greenhouse.

He was researching tHe cure.

And my sister, she got locked up in the jailhouse but she didn't even know what for.

My cousin, he got strung up outside the courthouse.

He was challenging the case.

something beautiful will always surround us but its just to easy to erase.

and something beautiful gets shot down in every place.

And something beautiful happened at the border.


And something beautiful happened on the corner.


Now nothing beatuiful is happening anyway.

They keep us splashing on the wet work so they can cash in on the network.

"Soft opposition if you play your position."

Love, it doesn't have to be that way.

One thousand clouds so peaceful vanished in a din of rhythms from a helicopter.

Turn me up, dont turn me in.

The sound was deafening it tore into the bedroom and it didn't have to do with God.

We loved each other like a bomb loves a body and it didn't have to do with the law.

I forgot the sheets, the heat, the gentle weaponry.

I won't forget the look on your face.

The loudest bomb is quieter than an eyelash against the fabric of your pillowcase.

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