Q Fish - Pig in a Poke Lyrics

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Artist: Q Fish
Song Title: Pig in a Poke
Visits: 835
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on the top of the country
you make me feel that - I'm - never - lonely

you're the seaman's home
that's why the women - will -never -be alone

the freighters in your harbor
they're the reason of the dockers labor

I have a crush on you
You're the gate to the world
the shipping capital of all krauts
If someone asks for your flair -It's the magic in your flow

2nddiscovered while the transit
since that I'm - an - addict

When I come to your port
I could feel the - rest - of - the world

you're the way of life
the way to live is not to drive

I have a crush on you
You're the gate to the world
the shipping capital of all krauts
If someone asks for your flair -It's the magic in your flow

Ferdi - Solo

3rdyou're owner of the greatestWhorehouse in the area - up - to - Canada

home of the stars (like the Beatles)
that's why the club - is - called - just as

(There) I'll (also) wanna be famous
at the Starclub, the stage of the world

I have a crush on you
You're the gate to the world
the shipping capital of all krauts
If someone asks for your flair -It's the magic in your flow

M: Q-Fish
T: P.Althoff

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    just send me a letter..."
  • Q-fish Dance
    Take a step to the left - and one to the right
    And now turn round - do it on the other side
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  • SchChtern
    "Take a step to the left - and one to the right
    And now turn round - do it on the other side
    left hand on your hip - the right behind the neck
    now hop around the room - always be glad..."
  • Schuumlchtern
    "Samstag abend in der kultigsten Disco
    ich bin gefragt wie'n Kandidat in der Quizshow
    Ich seh' gut aus - weil jede mit mir pennt-
    ich bin ein Partylöwe im Designerhemd..."
  • Sweet Blonde
    "Samstag abend in der kultigsten Disco
    ich bin gefragt wie'n Kandidat in der Quizshow
    Ich seh' gut aus - weil jede mit mir pennt-
    ich bin ein Partylwe im Designerhemd..."
  • The Trust
    "You - with your brown eyes - deep like a deep Forest in motion
    your hair - golden as the sunrise in the east
    sensitive as the skin of a babyTo taste them is sweeter then the sweetest honey
    My sweet blonde..."
  • ...Show All

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