Q Strange - Decayed Thoughts Lyrics

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Artist: Q Strange
Song Title: Decayed Thoughts
Visits: 938
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(Some of you people listen to this music like this shit is funny

Man this shit ain't funny

I have a problem

And I need help

I mean goddamn look at me

Just look at me)

Godamn, look at me, I'm a mess

I mean, what the hell is happening these days

I don't want to hurt people it's just my mind

I?I can't control myself


Sitting by a dumpster on a dark and rainy night

I'm killing in a alie ain't a soul in site

Theres rain pouring down on my blood stained clothes

Trembling and shaking cause I just don't know

What's going on with the feeling right inside me

Body parts are rotting in the dumpster right beside me

I don't know who I killed or even why I did it

The last thing I remember I was sitting in my kitchen

Now I'm more covered in blood and I'm fucking soaking wet

I got a human heart on a chain around my neck

My mind is rotting and my thoughts are decayed

A sick imagination in a blood stained brain

So I stand up rain beats off my face

So I get my hatchet and I put it on my waist

Take off my mask and I put it on to place

There ain't no time to waist its blood I wanna taste

I walk into a diner that's open all night

There ain't nobody in there but the cook and his wife

Walked to the place and they're scared as hell

I jump over the counter and they start to yell

I tell the bitch to shut her mouth

And stay the fuck still

Grab the cook's head

Plant his face on the grill

And as I press harder I can smell flesh burnin

Took a hatchet to his neck the blood starts squirtin

Bbody hits the floor, his heads still fryin

His wife lays on the headless body and shes cryin

grabbed her by the hair bit out her throat

She gasps for air and the bitch starts to choke

I leave her to die while I grab the cooks head

I slice off his cheek and I put it in some bread

Cut off their fingers put em in the deep fryer

I ate em' on the counter while I light the place on fire

Leave the burning building

In search of more victims

If anybody steps into my path I'm gonna kill em

Got a pocket full of bibles in my trench coat

A bloody lunchbox filled with noses and throats

Hacked up fragments of brain stuck in my hair

A mayonnais jar filled with bit off ears

man I'm in tears

(Chorus - repeat 4X)

My mind is rotting and my thoughts are decayed

A sick imagination in a blood stained brain

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