Q Strange - Drifter Lyrics

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Artist: Q Strange
Song Title: Drifter
Visits: 927
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I cant explain why I'm filled with hate

But one hot summer day on the interstate

I was hitchhiking looking for this killing mate

I'm feelin great

I wanna singlehandily increase the murder rate

And terminate

Anybody that I see I'm gonna stab em

Here comes a car pullin over ? a station wagon

Its got a mom and 2 kids inside

?Hey you need a ride you look like a nice guy??

?Thank god you stopped I'm just goin to town

Because a couple miles back my car broke down

But you really shouldn't pick up people that you don't know

Cause one of these days you might pick up a psycho!?

Right then and there I put the blade to her neck

?Ill fuckin kill you all if don't stop this wreck.?

She said: ?Take the car but leave me and the kids?

?Keep beggin bitch like I really give a shit.?

So the kids started screamin as I took her outside

They watched in horror as their mom got tied

To the back bumper

They watched they mother

Getting beat down by this sick mother fucka

Got back in the car they was petrified (let's go)

Put the car on drive now its time for ride

Pedal to the floor hit 75

As the kiddies watch momma getting dragged behind

Bloody limbs they fly all over the road

Till its just a mangled a torso tied to a rope

Got back in the car

They thought they was in danger

Let this be a lesson to don't ever talk to strangers

Takin lives like a burglary

Watch on the news and ya heard of me

There aint no stoppin my murder spree

I'm on a murder spree I'm on a murder spree (Chorus X 3)

So I calmly walked away towards the train tracks

In blood stained slacks

Cause my brains tapped

I hop a fraught car no idea where I'm headed

I ran just in time to get in I don't see an endin

Get off the train headed to the first house

It works out perfectly -a murder spree

Got the urge for a murder

Gotta take another life

Today I think ill take a little house wife

So I'm quite as a mouse in the house I sneak in

Wifeys makin lunch while the kids are sleepin

I creep in the kitchen wrap my arms around her waist

?Ooo honey your home early??

?Wrong bitch look at my face

Now stop that fuckin screamin bitch that shit wont make me stop

All your doing is brewin the urge I already got!?

She tried to call for help in a desperate attempt

A bloody hand print on the phone is as far as she gets

So I took out my knife and I severed her spinal cord

Now shes layin in a pool of blood on the floor

?I aint leavin till I know your dead?

I unplugged the microwave and I bashed her in the head

?Thanks Hon' it was fun but now I gotta run?

Left the 2 babies crawlin in there mothers own blood

See a police car in the distance

And they ask If I need some assistance

Walked over to the cruiser leaned inside

?Thank god you stopped cause I need a ride.?

?Well obviously you do theres a killer on the loose

You shouldn't be out son aint you dun see the news (Ah?)

Come on inside ill take you home ?

But before he knew what happened I just grabbed his throat

He tried to grab is gun out the holster

What the hell

I just grabbed it out his hand then I shot him in the shoulder

Choked him to death then I dragged him out the car

Then I carried his fat ass to a barn

Dropped him on the ground then I hollowed out his rib cage

Driving off his pain cause I gotta sick brain

I can't control it when the urges are occurrin

Took a bite out of his bladder like the sour taste of urine

In my mouth spit it out now I'm off to the next

I wanna see death but its more complex

Yea that's right pig

Its nothing personal

its just its just I got a urge to kill

and you cant stop me

aint nobody gonna stop me

your just another statistic

now I'm off to the next

(Chorus X 3)

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