Q Strange - Eternal Bliss Lyrics

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Artist: Q Strange
Song Title: Eternal Bliss
Visits: 1313
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This is for all the lost souls, there is hope

Happiness is all I want but I am caught by misery

And no one understands or even cares if I just live or die

There is only one way out and I am not afraid to take it

It's the only way I say is Su-i-cide {*repeat 3X*

This kids mom died when he was just fifteen

Left with his house his pops was a dope fiend

Who didn't give a fuck about him

He even thinks that he'd be better off without him

He goes to school with no friends and he's mad for

He misses his mom even though she was a crack whore

Comes through the backdoor so dad wont see

Cuz after school at 3' he gets greeted with a beat

He has to go around with smelly clothes and no socks

While other kids rocked new Nike's and Reeboks

He's not happy with his miserable existence

Sometimes he has the urge to just say 'Good Riddance'

Grew up around drugs but never thought about trying it

Tried to not become a product of his environment

He tried even to talk to his pillow like a psychiatrist

Screaming in to it 'Why did she have to die'

Mom was in a program to get off the stuff

I guess she wasn't ready, or strong enough

But if she was alive it wouldn't be good either

Cuz dad used to beat her every day and mistreat her

He hates his father but it's all he has left

He doesn't want to live because he's afraid of death

But maybe he think that he'd be better off dead

He grabbed a paper and a pen, wrote a note and it said:

(Chorus X 3)

He feels a little nervous because he doesn't know what left it

What be the best to end it ? He's starting to cry now.

Time now ? he wants to just think it through

Life stinks it's true but there's got to be a better way

A better day may come but it ain't likely

'It's a constant battle in this life, It fights me'

He thinks that he's a coward but in fact he's real brave

Never gave in to temptations that put his mother in the grave

He wants to be saved, but no one hears his cries for help

except for god in heaven, still he wants to kill himself

He wasn't brought up to know about god and the bible

He own short life was spent nothing but survival

Suicidal thoughts evading his young mind

Sunshine is something he ain't seen in a long time

He can't take the loneliness and the sadness

Goes in the other room and gives his dad a kiss

Even though he's passed out from the drugs

He still only has - and in a way still loves him

He wants to join his mom in eternal bliss

Got in the bathtub and sliced his wrist

As he watched his blood pour out the veins and down the drain

He said goodbye to the pain


(Chorus) - repeat 4X

There is hope, you can get help

There's somebody you can talk to

There is hope

(Chorus) - repeat 2X

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