Q Strange - Heroin Lyrics

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Artist: Q Strange
Song Title: Heroin
Visits: 1286
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You'll never leave me

You need me in this life

You can't live without me

I own you

You belong to me

That's right, don't ever try to leave me

Because you can't

You can't do it

You know who I am


(Who are you? Tell em' your name*)


My name is Heroin I'm better than your medicine

I'll take your life and your soul if you let me in

There ain't a problem in this world that I can't fix

There ain't a pain that you have I can't help you deal with (X 2)


You need me you can't live without me inside you

Don't believe in negative press you've been lied to

I'm all you need in life you can't breathe without me

I'm your best friend, your lover and your family

I make you feel like you have supernatural power

I'm all you need and I'm just a brown powder

You'd steal from your own mother just to have me

Walk through the worst neighborhoods just to grab me

Sitting in a corner putting me in a spoon

Anticipating the feeling you're gonna have soon

Burning me, turning me into liquid form

It's a great habit what you wanna kick it for

You look at you, you're trembling putting me in that syringe

You're pocking your skin you're trying to get me in

You?ll shoot me through your eyelids just to get me to your brain

The faster I can go there and ease your pain

In your vein I just slither like a venoms snake and it's great

I can't wait to end your heartache

I slowly cross the blood brain barrier

Give birth to morpheme finds to open your receptors

You have a sensation; you're calling it a rush

The intensity because you had all my drug

And the faster that I find to open your receptors

The more intense the rush is, it feels even better

You might have a warm blushing in your skin

Have a dry mouth or happiness in your limbs

You might be nauseous, vomit, have severe itching

But it's worth it nothing beats this here feeling


(Chorus X 3)


You got problems in your life I can help you through it

you tried to dump me once before but you couldn't do it

You had insomnia, muscle and bone pain

Worse than when you tried to leave my cousin named Cocaine

You were vomiting, restless, had cold flashes

It's just you and me no one knows you're an addict

You're psychically dependent on me now. Don't you see that?

You would die without me in your life, believe that

I've infected your heart and collapsed you veins

I?ve done sever damage to your brain

Because of me you?ve had bacterial infections

A small price to pay that's the cost of my affection

The high is wearing of you're drowsy for a couple of hours

My affects have got your mental function all clouded

You heart rate drops you respiratory system slows

You're slowly fading as a victim of my overdose

You needed me but don't you see I don't need you

There's a lot of people in this world that need me too

I just used you like the stupid bitch you are

I left you dead in your own vomit on the kitchen floor

I didn't care about you; you're just a bitch to me

I know you cheated on me with my brother Ecstasy

We got more people to infect, you can't stop me

These rehabs and clinics people still can't drop me

I've been on a killing spree for decades now

There ain't nothing in this world gonna slow me down


Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Yeah that's right

You can't stop me

I'm just gonna keep going

I'ma keep ending more lives, infecting more people

This ain't never gonna stop

Cause once you've had me, you can't live without me in your life

I will rule your whole world

You live for me

I own you

Heroin Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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