Q Strange - Nothing Lyrics

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Artist: Q Strange
Song Title: Nothing
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All of my life ever since the beginning

I wanted to fit in I tried but I didnt

I went in, I'm losin they call me a loser

A loner, a stoner, drug user, abuser

A burn out, it turns out I just aint the same

As these kids at my school, they so cool, I'm so lame

Called names, and they tease me

I wish they'd just leave alone but they dont and its so rough to be me

Turn on the TV and all that I see

Video's flashin that image at me

Ya gotta be pretty, with money and perfect

I'm poor and I'm ugly, my life just aint worth it

I'm certainly destined to be a nobody

No money, no nothin, no woman just fuck it

Naw hold up a second I got an idea

Got nothin to lose I got nothin to fear

I could let my life fade away like nothin

Or I could go out big and be known for somethin'

Stay up all night and I plot and I plan

Try not to wake up my sleepin' old man

Sneak and I creep in his room while he's sleepin'

Open the closet I see it I got it

I'm grabbin' his gun and then some ammunition

I bet they'll be wishin' that they stopped the dissin'

Get up in the mornin' I'm loadin' the gun

It'll be fun to watch them kids run

Walk in the school and I'm shakin' and tremblin'

I'm gettin' upset man I'd better forget it

"Hey nice sneakers, where'd ya get them in the garbage?"

"yeah whatever man"

"Shut up loser"

Naw fuck that, thats it, it's enough of this screamin'

Its time to get even and I won't be defeated

I seated in class waitin for the bell

When it rings Ima go up and blast off these shells

Look at these kids with they clothes and they cars

And they fathers who let them live like movie stars

Wit they sneakers that cost more than pops makes in two weeks

I truley can't wait to go and start the shooting

My teacher fuck 'em, don't like him a bit

He said I would grow up not amount to shit

And maybe he's right but that shit is still fucked up

While these kids are mad rich, and bitches are stuck up

Tony, the captain of the football team

Can't wait to see him start runnin' and screamin'

Britney his girl from the chearleading squad

Ima blast and I'll piss on her bloody pom poms

Minutes are ticking and ticking away

Come on bell ring man I aint got all day

Screw it I walk to the front of the class

As the students and staff just look at me and laugh

I grab the gun and I just take it out

They see me and duck, some run and shout

Cockin the glock and I start to just squeeze it

Then somethin happened I couldn't believe it

I just couldn't do it, I'm watchin'em scatter

Standin' here frozen as if it don't matter

Want to, and I just wanna buck

But fuck, I cant even do it I'm stuck

I'm truly a nothing a loser it's true

I can't even do what I wanted to do

I planned all for nothin' I can't take'em out

I pointed the barrel right into my mouth

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