Q Strange - Still Driftin Lyrics

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Artist: Q Strange
Song Title: Still Driftin
Visits: 867
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[Verse 1]

Still driftin', this time I'm in a stolen Lincoln

Remains in the backseat inside stinkin'

I'm thinkin', gotta go find me a sink and

Clean up, I'm beat up, I'm covered in blood

It ain't easy, blood on my hands makes the steering wheel greasy

Dead bodies vomit gas and fecies

It's nasty, aw shit a cop just passed me

Better get rid of this shit, real fast G

Pull over to the side just abandon the ride

Wait until they find the surprise I left inside

I'm a hunter, searching for my prey I'm on the highway

Meanwhile these kids are just cruisin' on a Friday

Not a care in the world, but it ain't what it seems

See me covered in blood wit a cold stare in the high beams

Lost control, smashed into the divider

Killed three mo and yo I didn't even try ta

[Chorus: repeat 2X]

I ain't stopped yo I'm still driftin'

State to state still tryin' to kill victims

Thought I was dead, naw I'm still livin'

Still wicked and yeah I'm still killin'

[Verse 2]

An elderly couple at a red light, late at night

Ain't no cars and nobody in sight

I pull out my knife, I run up I open the rear door

Hop in, two quick slices and they're gone

Real quick, slice the neck then I jet

Out the opposite door, now I'm off to the next

Walkin' through the darkness covered in stains

I got scared, I heard this bum like "hey got any spare change?"

Some homeless crackhead lookin' for some rocks

Wit a shoppin' cart livin' out a cardboard box

Punched his rat face, and I wouldn't stop beatin'

Watchin' him swell up, his head was mad bleedin'

Stomped on his chest crushed his lungs and his ribs

Beat him to death don't need no weapons for this

A witness, a prostitute seen the whole shit

I seen her walkin' up, yeah ya better go bitch

I chased her, caught her, yo, ya dead hoe

How the fuck you think you gonna run in stilettos

Rip her pointy ass shoes right off her feet

Stuck the heel in her neck till that bitch couldn't breathe


[Verse 3]

Real late at night I still ain't done killin'

Seeing a man deliverin' some kung pow chicken

He's comin' my way on his bike

I stuck out my arm, I clothes lined him, be careful at night

He's on the ground covered in chow main and duck sauce

Cut his face the fuck off, killed him and he got tossed

Into an alley where I cut him and I gut him

Took the splattered remains and then I fuckin' stuck'em

Into the little take out carton

I mixed it wit some noodles and the shit stinks its rotten

Looked at the paper I went to the address

Knocked on the door, "Jade Dragon Express"

Open the door it was this dude, he gave me the loot

I watched through his window as he ate his food, ewwwww

He kinda looked at it weird

Then he had some pieces of lung stuck to his beard

While he went to go vomit I went in his house

Kneeled down as I crouched behind the couch

He's sick, he came back but before he could sit

I popped up with a grip on a holder from a candlestick

Smash his face with the base

Beat his skull till it opened

Little pieces of bone kid

Left on the floor then I chilled in his house

Finished up the rest of the Asian take out

[Chorus] - 1.5X

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