Q Strange - That Dream Lyrics

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Artist: Q Strange
Song Title: That Dream
Visits: 843
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[Verse 1]
Back in '88 the little neighborhood terror
Started writin' rhymes back in hip hops golden era
Middle school hallways was bustin' a flow
I used to go by the name of emcee Snow
The music was a way to escape my pain
In the box was Rah Kim or maybe Big Daddy Kane
As the years progressed I kept ownin' my craft
Bus stop kids would laugh white kids cant rap
My voice soundin' funny I was end the midst of puberty
And this whole hip hoppin' rap shit was new to me
1990 made a demo age of 15
It was my dream to just bust on the scene
Flat top fade, with the lines and designs
Rockin' hammer pants was the style at the time
Kickin' my rhymes to anybody that would listen
My moms had my back and gave supportive criticism
1992 I started rollin' wit a crew
My name was Mist Jinx and my partner Doc Seuss
1993 bumpin' Tribe Called Quest
Playin' hooky downtown fuck a history test
I had the cross colors gear with the hair up in dreads
And my friends, knuckleheads we was all good kids
Rappin' over instrumental records on a cassette
We ain't had no equipment if we did we'd be set
'94 was the year moms passed on
Bouncin' place to place just tryin' to find a home
I Hooked up with JayD and Mo Duce and Nine 5
3rd floor productions man we dropped comin' live

No matter what as the years went on
I couldn't stop just writing these songs
When nothin' went right and everything went wrong
Used the music to just keep on
Never gonna stop no I must succeed
Never gonna happen if I don't believe
I got goals that I gotta achieve
And until I do I'll never lose that dream

[Verse 2]
3rd Floor Productions and the group iLLriginals

That Dream Lyrics at Lyricstrue

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