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Pain Is So Close to Pleasure Song Lyrics
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Ooh, ooh, pain is so close to pleasure, oh yeah,
Sunshine and rainy weather go hand in hand together all your life,
Ooh, Ooh, pain is so close to pleasure everbody knows,
One day we love each other then we're fighting one another all the time,
When I was young and just getting started,
And people talked to me they sounded broken hearted,
Then I grew up and got my imagination
And all I wanted was to start a new releation,
So in love but love had a bad reaction,
I was looking for good old satisfaction,
But pain is all I got when all I needed was some love and affection,
Ooh, ooh, pain is so close to pleasure, yeah, yeah,
Sunshine and rainy weather go hand in hand together all your life,
Pain and pleasure, Ooh, Ooh, pain and pleasure,
When your plans go wrong and you turn out the light,
But inside your mind you have to put up a fight,
Where are the answers that we're all searching for,
There's nothing in this world to be sure of anymore,
But if you're feeling happy someone else is always sad,
Let the sweetness on love wipe the tears from your facem
Ooh, ooh, pain is so close to pleasure, I told you so,
Sunshine and rainy weather go hand in hand together all your life,
Pain is so close to pleasure, yeah, yeah,
Sunshine and rainy weather go hand in hand together all your life,
All your life,
Pain - pleasure
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