Queen Adreena - Kissing My Disgrace Lyrics

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Artist: Queen Adreena
Song Title: Kissing My Disgrace
Visits: 835
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Cut her into little pieces
Move her round the plate
Knife and Fork, I?ll dream you're all talk

I'm kissing my disgrace
Kissing my disgrace

Older fragments with no meaning
Cloaked her smiling face
Today I eat myself a breakfast

I'm kissing my Disgrace

Cut her into little pieces
Move her round the plate
Knife and Fork, I'll dream you're all talk

I'm kissing my disgrace
Kissing my disgrace (repeated)

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    "Let not your hold be so tight,
    She'll return in the morning,
    If you give her the night.
    Madraykin is she suffering?..."
  • X-ing Off the Days
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  • Hide From Time
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