Queens Of The Stone Age - A Song For The Deaf Lyrics
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A Song For The Deaf Song Lyrics
Queens Of The Stone Age
Song Title:
A Song For The Deaf
Print Version
Nobody?s coming down the hall
Nobody echoes in my head
Broken reflection had a look
Nobody ever needed her
I got what was
I want to take what's left
Ready now
Beautiful senses are gone
Canary in a gilded cage
Sweet, soft, and low
I will poison you all
Come closer, racing to your turn
I got what was
I want to take what's left
No talk will cure
What's lost, or save what's left
For the deaf
I can go get fucked
Lie beside the ditch
So low round my neck
Strung out every stitch
Who are you hiding
Is it safe for the deaf
Beautiful cancer
Infiltrate and forget
And I saw you coming
And I heard not a thing
A mistake not to listen
When I knew where you'd been
And I got what was
I want to take what's left
No talk will cure
What's lost, or save what's left
For the deaf
[Thanks to dahenchman411@hotmail.com for these lyrics]
A Song For The Deaf Lyrics
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Other Queens Of The Stone Age song Lyrics
This Lullaby
"Where O where have you been my love?
Where O where can you be?
It's been so long, since the moon has gone.
& 0 what a wreck you've made me...."
"Medication for us all, it is a new way
And we're gonna take it cause we love it
Don't you know?
Is this the dose you've been dreamin' of?..."
Everybody Knows That You Are Insane
"You wanna know why you feel so hollow?
Because you are.
You're missing out? Well if you say so
Then you're missing out..."
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"I slipped
Didn't mean, didn't mean to do it that way
But i blew in on a whim
Gone tomorrow, im gone today..."
Burn The Witch
"Holding hands
Skipping like a stone
On our way
To see what we have done..."
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"It's the cruelest joke to play
I'm so high, i run in place
Only a line, we separate, so
I keep on playin our favorite song..."
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"Hey sister why you all alone?
I'm standing out your window
Hey little sister can I come inside there?
I want to show you all my love..."
I Never Came
"When you say it's dead & gone
I know you're wrong
Cut & slash, sharpest knife
It won't die..."
if you want to see other song lyrics from "Songs For The Deaf" album, click "
Queens Of The Stone Age Singer
" and search album songs from the artist page.
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