Queers - I Met Her at the Rat Lyrics

Lyrics Directory>> Q>> Queers Singer Lyrics>> I Met Her at the Rat Song Lyrics
Artist: Queers
Song Title: I Met Her at the Rat
Genre: Alternative
Visits: 818
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I'm really goo-goo over you,

I'm mentally retarded too

I lost my brain, and I don't know where

Somewhere down in Kenmore square

Look mom and dad, I think this one's OK

She's a punk rocker, hey what can I say

So let's get moving, the girls, so groovy

Oh yeah, she really knows where it's at

I met her at the Rat

She cheers me up when I'm feeling blue

Looks for me and does my laundry

And here I am kissing those lips

Here I am pumping those hips

Look mom and dad, I think this one's OK

She's a punk rocker, hey what can I say

So let's get moving, the girls, so groovy

Oh yeah, she really knows where it's at

[Chorus to end]

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  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Grow Up" album, click "Queers Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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