Quorthon - Cherrybutt Firefly Lyrics

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Artist: Quorthon
Quorthon Author
Song Title: Cherrybutt Firefly
Genre: Alternative
Visits: 882
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Honestly I don't believe I've ever been this weary
My thinking is really tearing my whole inside outside and in
I wish I had the nerve to do just something firm about it
I'm sure I could live without it but now it seems that we begin

To toss an eye exchange a smile from miles apart it seems
And yet it's hard to tell what's really happing from dreams
Is it just that we've both thinking is this stuff for real
And what if in the midst of this all what if some would see

If this real it seems to me to be good ol' infatuation
What if I am wrong and mix the facts with my imagination
Knee deep in this mess no wonder I don't sleep too good at night
Yes still I've never felt more all right

Hey, were you looking my way or was I standing in the way
I'm like a moth hot for the flame I just can't help it

I've been thinking should you accept an invitation
Can't help this fascination and yet if you were here I'd freexe
I count the days 'til I'll see you again and wish you'll be there
And yet if you would come near again I'd get those jelly knees

So we toss an eye exchange a smile but we never move too close
And yet make sure to make it short we want no one to know
Can I help that I am wondering is this for real
Are you thinking much the same as I then you must feel like me
Until the two of us have come to terms with how to act from now on
We are gonna have to walk in quite wide circles 'round each other
Can not wait until the day when you and I decide
What to do 'til then I guess I'll be allright

Hey, were you...

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Other Quorthon song Lyrics
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    Its freezin' cold I must be mad its 4AM and gettin' really f*ckin' bad
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  • When Our Day Is Through
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    I wish there was a way that i could turn back time and then set off a new start
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  • One Of Those Days
    "I open my eyes another day is here
    The sun's already high
    Can not recall just what I was dreamin'
    But I'm sure I can catch the reprise somehow..."
  • Cherrybutt And Firefly
    "Honestly I don't believe I've ever been this weary
    My thinking is really tearing my whole inside outside and in
    I wish I had the nerve to do just something firm about it
    I'm sure I could live without it but now it seems that we begin..."
  • Television
    "Before that sacred holy flickering tv-screen
    You're served commercials day-time fakes and tv-priests
    You keep your VCR running almost constantly
    Afraid to miss out on something happening on channel three..."
  • Hit My Head
    "I'm not too big a fan of beer but I need a drink
    If I smoked I could use a zip now I'm on the brink
    I've been all geared up now for how long I don't know
    I need to slow myself down somewhat it's been so long..."
  • Hump for Fun
    "I'm not too big a fan of beer but I need a drink
    If I smoked I could use a zip now I'm on the brink
    I've been all geared up now for how long I don't know
    I need to slow myself down somewhat it's been so long..."
  • Outta Space
    "Every day it's all the same no matter how I turn or twist my brain
    I toss my body and scratch my f*ckin' mind
    I bend and duck but I bounce 'gainst things all time
    I'm left in this box I'm firmly and all stuck..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Purity Of Essence (CD 1)" album, click "Quorthon Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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