Quorthon - Roller Coaster Lyrics

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Artist: Quorthon
Quorthon Author
Album: Purity Of Essence Cd2 (1997)
Quorthon - Purity Of Essence Cd2 Album
Song Title: Roller Coaster
Genre: Rock: Pop-Rock
Visits: 1205
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I was the straw to which you hung on
I came to enlight your silly life as far as I can see
I taught you everything I know
Still you're stupid as before so far as I can see

Life is like a roller coaster hang on pretty tight
Up'n down'n wrong'n right now hang on for your life

I had you sense the major thrill
I elevated you from filth it was there for all to see
I had you accepted I got you right but bet your ass there was
A lot I had to sacrifice and still I hurt and bleed

Life is like... ::

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Other Quorthon song Lyrics
  • Ive Had It Coming My Way
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  • When Our Day Is Through
    "You're running at too great a pace
    You're hurruing way too fast these days
    I wish there was a way that i could turn back time and then set off a new start
    I wish that I could make you understand what really always kept us apart..."
  • One Of Those Days
    "I open my eyes another day is here
    The sun's already high
    Can not recall just what I was dreamin'
    But I'm sure I can catch the reprise somehow..."
  • Cherrybutt And Firefly
    "Honestly I don't believe I've ever been this weary
    My thinking is really tearing my whole inside outside and in
    I wish I had the nerve to do just something firm about it
    I'm sure I could live without it but now it seems that we begin..."
  • Television
    "Before that sacred holy flickering tv-screen
    You're served commercials day-time fakes and tv-priests
    You keep your VCR running almost constantly
    Afraid to miss out on something happening on channel three..."
  • Hit My Head
    "I'm not too big a fan of beer but I need a drink
    If I smoked I could use a zip now I'm on the brink
    I've been all geared up now for how long I don't know
    I need to slow myself down somewhat it's been so long..."
  • Hump for Fun
    "I'm not too big a fan of beer but I need a drink
    If I smoked I could use a zip now I'm on the brink
    I've been all geared up now for how long I don't know
    I need to slow myself down somewhat it's been so long..."
  • Outta Space
    "Every day it's all the same no matter how I turn or twist my brain
    I toss my body and scratch my f*ckin' mind
    I bend and duck but I bounce 'gainst things all time
    I'm left in this box I'm firmly and all stuck..."
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Purity Of Essence Cd2" album, click "Quorthon Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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