Qwel - Quest for Fire Lyrics

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Artist: Qwel
Song Title: Quest for Fire
Visits: 959
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I'm seein' sleep walkers, and as cheap as talk is

I'm feelin' nauseas speaking in this three ring with artists

Hearts set on dreams and contracts

They laugh with my brothers, know who's wondering where I'm at?

Bathing on stage savin' all for tomorrow

Maintaining' the sorrow in a coffee, a Marlboro

If the past has any reflections of the future

I don't see me on easy street

But the truth flirts with destiny

It's the remedy herb, we scream for longevity, with obscenity slur's

We prefer the best dressed and like being lied to

Gettin' signed upset to find I'm back in high school

Livin' out his window, all these roads shitty

These headies t-shirts, we hurt our own city

But the phone sits still though I owe these bills

Only focus on the thrills of the shows we killed

Can we rebuild? 'Cause the road to travel on is unraveling fast

While you grabbin' on to Babylon

Come with me, one foot on the bank

While you're laughin' downstream for to take all the goods

The name on the hood, the fame on the stage

So why you drowning with one leg on the bank?

Come with me, one foot on the bank

While you're laughin' downstream

For to take all the goods

The name on the hoods, the fame on the stage

So why you drowning with one (leg on the bank)

It makes no sense to me these fences screening off you

No chance to pass your analysis, I'm dreamin' through you

And time to stop burnin' my brain, it's time for certain

But the lines ain't working, shit sprayed on the train

It has to rain sometimes, but whys the sun hate us?

Trying' to hide this moon tan with two hands of make-up

But it's time to wake, I couldn't hold this wealth

Above these swelling' waves of hands, and this fame don't help

Dreaming' of letter box places, I'm better off taking' my time

But whys this ride half-pacin'?

And twice the car fare on the dot from what I got

To well a hundred blocks and it's never gonna stop

And when it does it's not fare, just felt like runnin' huh?

Wheres the blunt end try to tell the sun something

Your wishes won't float when you choke the fish bones

Above the fluid sewage for this colonists home

It's cold in the water, it don't hurt to live

Was it worth gettin' wet? You gotta learn to swim

Come with me, one foot on the bank

Why you laughin' down stream, for to take all the goods

Your name on the hoods, the fame on the stage

So why you drownin' with one leg on the bank?

Come with me, one foot on the bank

While you laughin' downstream, for to take all the goods

Your name on the hood, The fame on the stage

So why you drownin' with on leg on the bank?

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