R Kelley - I Wish Lyrics
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I Wish Song Lyrics
R Kelley
Song Title:
I Wish
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I wish I wish I wish
To every city
I wish I wish I wish
Every hood
I wish I wish I wish
And every block
I wish I wish I wish
Good Ol' America!
Rollin' through the hood
Just stopped by to say what's up
Came to let you know
That your baby boy ain't doing so tough
And even though you passed
Going on four long years
Still waking up late at night crying tears
Just thinking about those days
You used to talk to me
Smilin' while I'm sippin' on this Hennesy
And remember we bragged on how rich we would be
To get up out this hood was like a fantasy
1 - And now you hear my songs the radio is bangin'
Oh I can't believe my ears
And what everybody's sayin'
And boy I'll tell you
Folks don't know the half
I would give it all up
Just to take one ride
(With you)
How I used to kick it on the front porch
(With you)
And how I used to lay back and smoke weed
(With you)
And all the little days and party joints we'd do
Now I'm just missing you
How I wish
2 - I wish that I could hold you now
I wish that I could touch you now
I wish that I could talk to you
Be with you somehow
I know you're in a better place
And you know I can see your face
I know you're smiling down on me
Saying everything's okay
And if I never leave this thug life
I'll see you again someday
I wish, I wish, I wish
I wish, I wish, I wish
Now ever since this money come
Been nothing but stress
Sometimes I wish I could trade in my success
Y'all look at me and say boy you've been blessed
But y'all don't see the inside of my unhappiness
Man I swear this shit gets heavy like a ton
That's why you hear me shootin'
This real shit off like a gun
Hmm I wonder how my friends would treat me now
If I wasn't iced up with a Bentley and a house
That's why fake ass niggas get fake ass digits
And fake ass playas get a real playa hatin' 'em
Honey Love goes platinum and y'all ass come around
But y'all don't wanna raise the roof
Until my shit is going down
Repeat 1
(With you)
How I used to hoop off in them tournaments
(With you)
And how I used to club hop on weekends
(With you)
Your family called the morning of the tragic end
Damn, my condolensces
Repeat 2
Voices in my head be telling me to come to church
Saying the Lord is the only way for you to stop the hurt
Dreaming of windows black tinted like a hurst
When waking up to life sometimes seems worst
And all I ever wanted is to be a better man
And I try to keep it real with my homies now
For me to save the world I don't understand
How did I become the leader of a billion men?
Repeat 1
(With you)
How I used to street perform on Friday
(With you)
And how I used to go to church on Easter Sunday
(With you)
Standing here throwing them songs at me
Somebody pray for me
Repeat 2 till end
I Wish Lyrics
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