R Kelly and Jay-Z - Feelin You in Stereo Lyrics
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R Kelly and Jay-Z Singer Lyrics
Feelin You in Stereo Song Lyrics
R Kelly and Jay-Z
Song Title:
Feelin You in Stereo
Print Version
Everything ain't hardcore you know
I can't sing but my man
I'ma let my man smooth that thang out for you
You know, take the edge off, you know what I'm sayin'?
[R Kelly]
All my sexy ladies throw ya hands up high
And all my real playas throw ya hands up high
And just keep on bouncin' while I take you on a ride
[Chorus: R Kelly]
It's like your body's on radio I'm feelin' you in stereo
Put me in your cd player I'm gonna hit it nice and slow
Baby I'm your hot mix bumpin' in your cherry Lex
Checkin' out your widescreen while your hands up on the headrest
[Verse 1: R Kelly]
I'm, in the studio thinkin' about my next hit song
Tryin' to come up with a melody that will turn you on
On the MPC3000 tryin' to come up with beats
That'll make come on over here and lay down here with me
I'm searchin' for that special mind blowin' melody
And it's gotta be sexy so I'll think it through carefully
It's like I'm tryin' to tune it, to ya station babe
Try to get you to play, this record babe
Every time I hear this track girl I think about me and you
In the Maybach doin' what we do
[Verse 2: R Kelly]
Um, now I know a few friends of mine that has made love to this record
So when you're in the mood call the station, request this record
She walks in the room, says "'Ly I can't breathe"
As I try to catch my breath and proceed
Lookin' at yo' sexy smile, while I put my vocals down
Girl you have made this song a hit in each and every town
You a sexy melody with a touch of freakin' harmony
Such a perfect chemistry
Girl we deserve a Grammy, or Soul Train
Billboard, MTV or BET award
Rollin' like we on a tour
Ooh the way you put it down girl I can't take it
Sex was so good girl we've got to do the remix
'Cause girl you a mix master
When it comes to pumpin' you such a ghetto blaster
It's such a hit that I gotta bootleg it, yeah
[Verse 3: Jay-Z]
A melody is the chemistry, the way we click
It's like four part harmony and all that shit
Your waistline is the bassline, I ride that shit
Strung off your treble and I'm high as shit
We made love in the studio when we got together over and over again like a loop
Damn I'm missin' you, it's hard to listen to
all these different dudes, huggin' and kissin' you, fuck!
[R Kelly]
Yeah, I'm feelin' you in stereo
Aw yeah, aw yeah, yeah
Feelin You in Stereo Lyrics
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