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Hide Me Song Lyrics
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Here, beside the water,
The wind to kiss my face...
Oh, You find me, find me,
Find me in Your love.
I feel Your hand upon me.
You rescue me again.
Oh, You hide me, hide me,
Hide me in Your love.
Oh, falling into heaven,
Where I am safe and I am free...
Oh, You find me here;
Fill me with Your peace.
Oh, You hide me in the shelter
Of Your love.
The sky, it holds Your beauty.
Your blanket covers me.
My heart is what I bring You.
Oh, You hold me, hold me,
Hold me in Your arms...
Oh, falling into heaven,
Where I am safe and I am free...
Oh, You find me here,
Fill me with Your peace.
Oh, You hide me in the shelter...
Oh, falling into heaven,
Where I am safe and I am free...
Oh, You find me here;
Fill me with Your peace.
Oh, You hide me, oh, You hide me,
Oh, You hide me in the shelter...
Hide me in the shelter
Of Your love.
| Hide Me Lyrics at Lyricstrue |
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Other Rachael Lampa song Lyrics | A Song For You (Remix) "If today was my very last day A la la la la la la A la la la la la la, oh A la la la la la la..." | A Song For You "A la la la la la-la, A la la la la la-la, ooh... A la la la la la-la, A la la la la la-la, la-la..." | All This Time "IT?S TAKEN ME ALL THIS TIME TO SEE THE SUN IT?S TAKEN ME ALL THESE ROADS TO LEARN HOW TO RUN YOU?VE GIVEN ME RAIN TO WASH AWAY THE STUFF I THOUGHT I KNEW AND ALL THAT?S LEFT OF ME IS YOU..." | Always Be My Home "Your heart will always be my home, No matter where I go, No matter what may come. You'll be my shelter in the storm,..." | Ave Maria "Ave Maria! Maiden mild... Oh! listen to a maidens prayr, For thou canst hear them in the wild. Tis thou, tis thou canst hear amid despair...." | Beautiful "Oh, ooh, oh, oh... There was a time when I Thought I had no good in me. There was a time when I..." | Being Alive "No room to move Clowns to the left of me Jokers sniffing helium from balloons Cuz they got nothin better to do..." | Blessed "I may never climb a mountain So I can see the world from there I may never ride the waves And taste the salty ocean air..." | |
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