Rachel Farris - You Think Lyrics

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Artist: Rachel Farris
Song Title: You Think
Visits: 736
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You think you can have me
And have her hanging on
You think you can kiss me
And kiss her when I'm gone
You think I would leave you
So you can't let her go
You think too slow

I don't want to hear you say you love her
I don't want to hear you say you wish
I don't want to hear you say you want me
If you're still with her

You think you can have me
And have her hanging on
You think you can kiss me
And kiss her when I'm gone
You think I would leave you
So you can't let her go
You think too slow

I don't want to hear you say you're sorry
I don't want to hear you say someday
I don't want to hear you say you're lonely
If you're still with her
I don't want to talk it out for a minute
I don't want to hear to figure out why you're in it
I don't want an arguement, but I'd win it
Don't say a word

You think you can have me
And have her hanging on
You think you can kiss me
And kiss her when I'm gone
You think I would leave you
So you can't let her go
You think too slow

I can't believe I believed you
Told me you were going to say goodbye
You'd thought it all through for a long time
And that I was just another reason why

You think you can have me
And have her hanging on
You think you can kiss me
And kiss her when I'm gone
You think I would leave you
So you can't let her go
You think too slow

You won't have a chance with me again
I don't even want to be your friend
You won't ever play the game and win
'Cause you like to cheat

You think you can have me
And have her hanging on
You think you can k

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Other Rachel Farris song Lyrics
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    Who is it that I want to be?..."
  • I Am Not The Girl
    "You Try, you fail
    You make a bad impression
    I cry, you fail
    Sticky situation..."
  • I Guess This Is Love
    "Here I sit, all alone
    I'll find a way home
    Thanks for the promise
    How could you do this to me?..."
  • I Should Go
    "I found you when I wasn't looking
    I had you when I wasn't lonely
    Then I lost you when I didn't think that I could
    I love you, I know that you love..."
  • Im Not The Girl
    "You try
    You fail
    You make a bad impression
    I cry you bail..."
  • In A Field
    "In a field faraway in a courtyard
    Where the children come to play
    in a field full of dreams
    Where the rainbows dance along the streams..."
  • Its All You
    "It's all you, you want it, you can have it
    It's all you, take your flight and get it
    It's all you, live it up, enjoy it while you can
    Run while you can, give them a hand..."
  • Not The Girl
    "you try.....you fail
    you make a bad impression
    i cry.....you fail
    sticky situation..."

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