Racoon - Rapid Eye Movement Lyrics

Lyrics Directory>> R>> Racoon Singer Lyrics>> Rapid Eye Movement Song Lyrics
Artist: Racoon
Song Title: Rapid Eye Movement
Visits: 605
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Rapid eye movement bores the shit right out of me.
But that don't mean that they suck objectively.
They're fine in some eyes.
In mine, they're better without sound.
Some like the moon half way, others like it round.

Because it's a free world we're living in.
So what I say is my opinion, not necessarily yours.

Some say you're crazy, others tell you you're a fool.
Some say you're lazy and you have to learn the rules.
Grow up just like us and we swear you will be cool, well,
Shit I'm a crazy fool cool without your rules,

Because it's a free world we're living in.
So what I say is my opinion, not necessarily yours.

Falling was against the rules everything is breaking.
Don't you bend or break the rules everyone is mistaken once.
We're mistaken once.

It's a free world we're living in.
But what you say is your opinion, not necessarily mine.
It's a free world we're living in.
So what I say is my opinion, not necessarily yours

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Other Racoon song Lyrics
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    and sometimes there's a hell to pay
    When all your so-called friends just leave you
    and all that's to blame seems to be you...."
  • Blue Days
    "Broken down and shut-eyed, dangerous down the road.
    People's tricky business turns to overload.
    Don't remember clearly blank behind the eye.
    I caught up with the memory. I never said goodbye...."
  • By Your Side
    "Oh, It's saturday, all right
    Bring some beers and come on over
    The latest Ben Folds Five
    Right by your side..."
  • Daily News
    "I don't know how to get up early.
    A church bell for alarm is simply not enough.
    I'm scared to lose the dreamy moment,
    So when I get the chance I shutt if off...."
  • Feel Like Flying
    "I'm walking home after drinking all my pennies.
    So now I've got a beatbox in my head.
    Probably seems funny to you honey, bunny.
    Well it ain't and when I'm home I'm going straight to bed. WOW..."
  • Hilarious
    "Take a little minute love, take a little time
    To listen to this record love
    It's gonna be just fine
    It's all about honesty, that won't do you any harm..."
  • Ice Cream Time
    "Your skin is getting sun-tanned;
    I don't want to peel it off today.
    So pass me the lotion 20,
    My nose has had enough today...."

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