Racoon - Smoothly Lyrics

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Artist: Racoon
Song Title: Smoothly
Visits: 701
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So much difference now, the feeling's letting down.
I have a notion of where I am although I'm scared some how.
Not just a dropping in, more a dropping out.
It fell so loud that I found out I always did without.
I dreamt nothing was wrong, everything just smiled.
In this worthwhile dream of mine a beauty place combined.
I saw eagles fly, a grey sky open up,
a star explode and others float between the mountaintops.
She said: 'That's another kind of magic, I swear, things go smoothly'.

Now it's up to me.
Somewhere hid away there's a cure but I ain't sure whether it's mine to pay.
Because all the time I tried to give my dreams a life.
Every time that I woke up I simply closed my eyes.

She said: 'That's another kind of magic,
I swear, things go smoothly'.
She said: 'Man I promise you it gets better we're there...'

Futile dreams and reasons floating in the air.
I stay silent. And I gave up to try and walk on water. For you,
for you, so smooth...

I feel weary now, shaky in the gut.
And what if I woke up and saw that dreams is all I got.
I guess I'd laugh at life, sneaky in the hand.
Because it's a bitch to find out things ain't going as you planned.

But she said: 'That's another kind of magic,
I swear, things go smoothly.
She said: 'Man I promise its gets better, we're there.

She said: 'Are you willing to look the other way.
She said: 'Are you willing to take chances'.
I said: 'It's best if you just walk away'.
She said: 'Life is short and meaningless, unless you make the best of it

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    So now I've got a beatbox in my head.
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  • Hilarious
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    To listen to this record love
    It's gonna be just fine
    It's all about honesty, that won't do you any harm..."
  • Ice Cream Time
    "Your skin is getting sun-tanned;
    I don't want to peel it off today.
    So pass me the lotion 20,
    My nose has had enough today...."

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