Radial Angel - Give Lyrics

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Artist: Radial Angel
Song Title: Give
Visits: 679
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Oh, just give it up to...
Oh, just give it up to...

I'm feeling secure as I warm my feet on the rug.
Over my eyes, this rug becomes a wool now.
I'm finding comfort in what is here today.
So sure yet so wrong as this rug is pulled away.
As it's pulled away...

On the cold floor, my bones begin to freeze now.
I'm empty, confused; filled with anxieties.
I'm broken; I'm depressed with no explanation given.
So strong but now weak, I must, I must continue living.

Oh, just give it up to...
Oh, just give it up to...
Oh, just give it up to...
Oh, just give it up to Him.

You are faithful, and I know that You'll take care of me.
I have no more reason to be in this misery.
Because I, I need You,
'Cause I can't never do this alone, or so what?
Because I know that You, You are there for me,
And you'll never ever ever leave me alone.

Oh, just give it up to...
Oh, just give it up to...
Oh, just give it up to...
Oh, you gotta give it up to Him.
To Him, to Him, to Him,
To Him, to Him, to Him.

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