Radigost - Outcast Lyrics

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Artist: Radigost
Radigost Author
Album: Nocturne (1999)
Radigost - Nocturne Album
Song Title: Outcast
Genre: Metal: Doom
Visits: 688
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Daylight leaves this world again, the burning ball called Sun
now again must go down, behind the inaccessible line.
Wings of the night are low above me, night wrapped deserted fields,
mist is trembling above the lake, above the trees and weeds.

Meadow under nightly sky
In the calling light of stars
Wind whispering from shady fields
Indescribable beauty of the night.

Far and lonely silent shadows are flitting in the starlit fields,
wrapped in the dismal fog, gloomy hills are lying.
White light of the moon is reflecting in the cold mirror of the lake,
in the smooth of the water I can see night sky.
I am standing among the vast of the night,
I see forgotten faces. In whisper of the lonely wind
I hear forgotten voices... so far away... and so near.
The night is penetrating in my mind, its beauty is penetrating in my heart.
I don't need the reality of this world any more,
I'm raising on the wings of the night into black and cold sky.
I'm raising far away from this dirt, my suffering is ending now.
I don't need the light of this world any more.
My spirit will be free at last now.
The Moon takes me.

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Other Radigost song Lyrics
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  • Spirit of the Past
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  • Paths of Chronos
    "Look at this marvelous garden washed by warm rays of the sun.
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    Formerly I had been free, I had been able to fly like the beautiful swans.
    But once I have fallen and lost my wings,..."
  • Nocturne
    "How art thou fallen from heaven, o Lu'ci-fer, son of the morning!
    How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations.
    For thou hast said in thine heart,
    I will ascend into heaven,..."
  • Full Moon
    "Soncen je dan v soboto dopoldan
    nalasc za prespanje a on je pokonc
    Umil si obraz je, odsel je na vrt na 1. Cik
    Ga mama poklice na zajtrk povabi..."
  • Morning Star (part 2)
    "How art thou fallen from heaven, o Lu'ci-fer, son of the morning!
    How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations.
    For thou hast said in thine heart,
    I will ascend into heaven,..."
  • Morning Star
    "The abyss of forgotten dreams and desperate thoughts
    was lost in the"bright"light of half God.
    Evil embodiment of your vicious hopes,
    I was lost in the labyrinth of the being...."
  • ...Show All
  • if you want to see other song lyrics from "Nocturne" album, click "Radigost Singer" and search album songs from the artist page.

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