Radney Foster - Precious Pearl Lyrics

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Artist: Radney Foster
Song Title: Precious Pearl
Visits: 636
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Bill Hullett electric guitar
Mike McAdam electric guitar
Lloyd Maines steel guitar
Dan Dugmore acoustic guitar
Albert Lee mandolin
Pete Wasner piano
Michael Joyce bass
Bob Mummert drums
Kim Richey harmony

He left you behind the same way you left me
Darling I won't take pride
Or bore you with some victory speech
I didn't come around to try and pass judgement on you girl
I'm just back here looking for a precious pearl
A precious pearl that I let slip right through my hands
A precious love that I have longed for ever since
How'd a treasure so rare get left behind somewhere
I was fool to let my anger blind me girl
So I'm just back here looking for a precious pearl


The good times we once shared
Burned up with our last bridge
And the past can't be repaired
But we might start all over again
So if you could use a old friend back here in your world
Darling I'm just looking for a precious pearl
A precious pearl that I let slip right through my hands
A precious love that I have longed for ever since
How'd a treasure so rare get left behind somewhere
I was fool to let my anger blind me girl
So I'm just back here looking for a precious pearl

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Other Radney Foster song Lyrics
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  • A Real Fine Place to Start
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    But I'm jumping anyhow
    I've never been this far..."
  • Again
    "Aint it funny the turns life puts you through
    Don't know what's round the bend
    Lord you don't know where it's leading you
    Close your eyes say a prayer..."
  • Angry Heart
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  • Closing Time
    "Every afternoon at five o'clock
    I forget all about you
    There ain't nothin' 'bout this honky-tonk
    To remind me we're through..."
  • Disappointing You
    "Another day dawns
    I'll be leaving for work soon
    And you won't suspect a thing
    Til late this afternoon..."
  • Dont Say Goodbye
    "Well I heard it from confidential sources
    you've been thinking 'bout losing my name
    and you've been dialin' some unlisted number
    at some Memphis, TN exchange..."
  • Easier Said Than Done
    "You put together all the pieces of the puzzle
    So one more lie would be a waste of my breath
    It's too late now for me to start being truthful
    No amount of regret could win back your love..."

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