Radney Foster - Texas In 1880 Lyrics

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Artist: Radney Foster
Song Title: Texas In 1880
Visits: 597
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(Radney Foster)

I can hear the wind whisper my name
Tellin' me it's time to head out again
My horses are trailered and the lights are shut down
An I'm long overdue for headin' outta town

Got a fever that they call rodeo
Just enough winnin' to make the next show
Sometimes you make eight,sometimes you hit dirt
Go on,pin another number to the back of my shirt

And I'll ride that pny fast
Like a cowboy from the past
Be young and wild free
Like Texas in 1880
Just like Texas in 1880

Ah,from Phoenix to Tulsa to the Astro Dome
New York City down to San Antone
There's boys that are ridin' for legendary fame
And our money's all gone but we ride just the same

Our hearts got broken,and our heads get busted
But we;ll alawys believe the things that we trust
There'll be those nights when glory comes round
And we'll tip our hats and wave to the crowd

And I'll ride that pny fast
Like a cowboy from the past
Be young and wild free
Like Texas in 1880
Just like Texas in 1880

Someday when you're older
Someone see
That buckle hangin' there on your belt
Ask you just how it felt!

And I'll ride that pny fast
Like a cowboy from the past
Be young and wild free
Like Texas in 1880
Just like Texas in 1880

Just like Texas
Just like Texas

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    Lord you don't know where it's leading you
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  • Closing Time
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    There ain't nothin' 'bout this honky-tonk
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  • Disappointing You
    "Another day dawns
    I'll be leaving for work soon
    And you won't suspect a thing
    Til late this afternoon..."
  • Dont Say Goodbye
    "Well I heard it from confidential sources
    you've been thinking 'bout losing my name
    and you've been dialin' some unlisted number
    at some Memphis, TN exchange..."
  • Easier Said Than Done
    "You put together all the pieces of the puzzle
    So one more lie would be a waste of my breath
    It's too late now for me to start being truthful
    No amount of regret could win back your love..."

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